“What? Wait!” She tries to pull back from me.

“I’m taking you home,” I tell her.

“I can catch a taxi.” She continues to struggle to break free from my hold.

I stop moving and stare down at her. “I’m taking you home. You are not catching a taxi when my car is right there.” I can see how much she’s fighting her natural instinct to submit to me. In the end, that instinct wins out.

When we reach the car, I hold open the passenger door and wait for her to climb in. It’s not until we’re pulling into my garage that she notices thatthe homeI was taking her to was mine, not hers. “Wait… You said you were taking me home.”

“I did. I brought you home. With me,” I tell her.

“I thought you meant my home, not yours. I never would have…” She lets her sentence trail off.

I pivot in my seat to face her. “You got into my car. Never once attempted to give me your address. You and I both know you want to be here. In my bed. Let’s not waste time with your lame attempts to pretend otherwise,” I tell her.

“Fucking lady Viagra,” she hisses under her breath.

“What?” I ask.

“Nothing. If we do this, things won’t change at work?” she questions me instead of clarifying.

“This has no bearings on your position at the firm, Dani,” I tell her honestly.

“Okay,” she concedes.

I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I exit the car, walk around the other side, open her door, and hold out a hand. The moment she places her palm in mine, I know one more night is not going to be enough.

* * *

She looks nervous.She shouldn’t be. Nothing but good things are going to happen within the walls of this bedroom.

“Strip,” I tell her as I start to remove my pants, then my shirt.

She blinks up at me, indecision apparent in her eyes.

“I said strip, little girl. Don’t make me ask again,” I repeat myself, my tone much harsher this time.

She quivers as her hands reach the hem of her dress. She pulls the material over her head, revealing inch after inch of perfectly smooth skin. She straightens her shoulders, holding her head high as her clothes hit the floor. Standing before me completely bare. No underwear.

“Do you make it a habit of going places without panties?” I ask while circling her.

“N-no, sir,” she answers.

I smile. She was born for this. For me. The fact that she addresses me properly tells me how much she wants me to dominate her right now, to take away the stresses of her life.

“Not wearing panties is naughty. Do you know what happens to naughty little girls, Dani?” I stop in front of her.

Her head ducks down. “No, sir.”

Placing a finger under her chin, I lift her gaze. “They get punished. Spanked. Have you ever been punished before, Dani?”

She shakes her head, and I raise an eyebrow at her in question. “No, sir, I haven’t,” she says.

“There’s always a first time for everything. If you don’t get punished, you won’t learn from your mistakes. And this pussy.” I cup her bare cunt. “It belongs to me. I won’t risk anyone else getting a glimpse of it. That means you are to wear panties whenever you’re in public.”

Her breath hitches. Her chest rises and falls. I don’t give her too much time to think on what’s about to happen.

Taking her hand, I lead her over to the edge of the bed, sit down, and pat my thighs. “Bend over,” I instruct her.