“I can’t believe this. You’re getting married. Like for real!” Dani squeals.

“For real,” Eloise replies.

“Ah, so are we,” Xavier adds. “Next week.”

“Excuse me, repeat that?” I ask him.

“Shardonnay and I are getting married next week. We’ve booked out a resort in the Whitsundays. You’re all coming, obviously, but it’s going to be a small ceremony. Family and close friends only.”

“You’re serious?” I’m not sure if I heard him right.

“Yes,” he confirms.

“A week…” I reply. He hasn’t even come to me for paperwork yet. I’m not about to let my best mate get married without an ironclad prenup. Especially when that best mate is set to inherit a multi-billion-dollar corporation. “Xavier, help me grab a round of drinks,” I tell him and stand. I lean down, press my lips to Dani’s ear, and whisper, “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

“We have table service,” Nathan says, like I haven’t been here a million times and don’t know how it works.

“Xavier, now,” I say in a more commanding tone.

Xavier rolls his eyes at me, but he does push to his feet and follow me over to the bar. “Before you say it, I don’t want one,” he tells me the moment we’re out of earshot.

“You might not want one but you bloody well need one,” I remind him.

“No, I don’t. Even if the worst did happen, and she fucking leaves me, I’d still want her looked after, Alistair. I’d want her to have it. I don’t fucking need it anyway,” he says, as if it’s that simple.

“I’m going to write up a prenuptial agreement for you, and you can either sign it or not. Though, as your lawyer, I strongly advise you to fucking sign it. We’re talking billions here, Xavier, not a few million.” I rake a hand through my hair. It makes me anxious just thinking about it.

“One, you’re not my lawyer. Because, in case you forgot, I’m not after a divorce. And, two, you’ll be wasting your time.”

“One, you’re not after a divorceyet. They always come, eventually.”

“My parents have been married for forty years. Happily,” he says with a smug smile on his face.

“Your parents are the oddity. You can’t live your life based on the best-case scenario. You need to prepare for the worst.”

“Okay, I get it. You’re a cynical old bastard and all. But this is my wedding, Alistair. Just be happy for me. Celebrate that I’ve somehow managed to talk Shardonnay into marrying my ass. You know how long I’ve been in love with this girl,” he says.

“Iamhappy for you. But I wouldn’t be a good mate if I didn’t try to protect your interests.”

“Come on. Let’s just enjoy the night,” he says.

I follow Xavier back over to the table. Dani is still there, exactly where I left her. I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her against me.

“Now that my fiancée is back, I just want to clarify that we arenotgetting married next week,” Shar says. “It’ll be a while yet.” She laughs.

“What? I thought we agreed on next week.” Xavier appears genuinely shocked.

“No,youtried to talk me into next week.Ideclined,” she says, pointing from him to herself.

“I happen to think next week is a great date for a wedding. And I already booked the resort.”

“Well, it sucks that you’ll be going by yourself. We’re not getting married next week, Xavier,” Shardonnay replies, more sternly this time.

“I’ll get married next week,” Eloise says. “I’ll take your booking, Xavier.”

“Babe, we can’t just go to some random resort and get married. There’s shit I need to put in place before we travel,” Gio tells her.

“Gio, I’m going to be at that resort next week. If you want to marry me, then you’ll figure out a way to meet me there.” Eloise crosses her arms over her chest.