“No, you’re not. You forgot to put your clothes on, babe,” I tell her.

“What? Don’t be daft. These are my clothes.” Dani smooths her hands down the scraps of material she calls an outfit.

“Nope. That’s underwear at best. That’s not clothes. Where’s the rest of it? I can see your stomach, Dani,” I tell her.

“Doesn’t she look hot?” Daisy comes up behind her, and her choice of attire isn’t much better.

“She does, but she’d look hot wearing a potato sack,” I counter.

“She would,” Daisy agrees.

“Dani, babe. Please. You can’t go out like that. I’m going to have a boner all fucking night.”

“How is that different from any other night?” she asks.

“It’s different because we’ll be in a nightclub, not at home, in a bed.”

“Well, the sooner we go, the sooner we can get back home and climb into that bed.” She smiles.

“Right, let’s go.” I take her hand and lead her out of the apartment.

After making a quick stop at my place, we finally arrive at Unhinged. I escort Dani past the line of people waiting to get inside and nod at the bouncer as he opens the rope. Being friends with Xavier Christianson comes with its perks. Never having to wait in line is just one of them.

Dani’s hand is gripped firmly in mine. I’m probably squeezing too tight, but I don’t want to lose her in the crowd. It’s more packed in here than usual. I walk straight up to the VIP section, and Dani pulls back when we reach the stairs.

“What’s wrong?” I ask into her ear, over the noise of the music.

“I need to find Eloise and Claire. They’re here somewhere,” she says.

“Message them. Find out where they are.”

“You can go up there.” She gestures to the stairs. “I’ll find them and meet you.”

I shake my head. I’m not fucking leaving her down here with the wolves. I can see how male clubgoers are already looking at her. If I wasn’t with her right now, they’d be circling her like hungry fucking sharks. Not fucking happening.

Dani pulls out her phone and taps away. “Oh, they’re up there,” she says, pointing to the second floor.

“Perfect, come on.” I find everyone already sitting around our usual lounge. Xavier and Shardonnay, Nathan and Bentley, Lucy and Dominic, and then there’s Eloise and her boyfriend Gio De Bellis, who I haven’t met yet but have heard all about, along with Claire.

Daisy jumps over Eloise and Gio to sit next to Claire. “Please tell me you brought at least one of your hot brothers with you tonight, Gio,” she says.

“Sorry, they’re all busy tonight,” Eloise answers for him.

“Busy, or are you just withholding them from me?” Daisy laughs.

I let Dani slide in next to Eloise. “Oh, Gio, this is Alistair, my… exclusivity partner,” Dani says.

“Boyfriend works too, Dani,” I tell her before holding out a hand to Gio. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too, and I’m glad it’s not because my fiancée put a hit out on you.” He laughs.

“Wait. What did you just say?” Dani screams.

“I was kidding, Dani. I told her no,” Gio says.

“No not the hit part. The fiancée part.” Dani snatches up Eloise’s left hand. “Holy shitballs. No fucking way! Eloise, how…? How could you not video call me the moment it happened?” she says.

“It’s new, today actually, and I was otherwise occupied immediately afterwards. And then you called and said to meet you tonight so I decided to tell you in person,” Eloise explains.