“You ready to do this?”

I stood up straighter and fastened the buttons on my jacket. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Jason clapped me on the back before straightening his back. “Here’s hoping it goes well.”

Once the elevator doors pinged open, Jason stepped out first and ran a hand through his hair. I paused, caught a glimpse of my reflection in the glass, and tried not to frown. In the mirror, I saw my expensive suit, and the serious expression on my face, every inch the businessman my father was, and realized this was the part I liked the least about owning my own company.

Exposing someone for the fraud they were was never easy.

It was even worse when it was my own secretary.

And I knew it was up to me to bring this all to a swift and satisfying end.

With a shake of my head, I stepped off the elevator and clasped my hands behind my back. The cubicles on either side of us were empty as Jason, and I walked side by side in the direction of the conference room on the other side of the floor. Outside the doors, Jason stopped and looked over at me. He pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

I scanned the room, my eyes moving over the rows of well-dressed men and women gathered around the rectangular shaped table. Bright sunlight poured in through the windows overlooking the city skyline. Once my gaze swung back to Jason, I stepped into the room and let the door click shut behind me. Then I walked around the table, headed directly for the seat at the head of the table.

Conversation died out as soon as I came to a stop.

Several pairs of eyes looked over at me expectantly.

“Thank you for all coming on short notice,” I began in a strange voice. “I appreciate you taking the time.”

A murmur of concern rose through the crowd.

“Let’s sit down and begin,” I suggested, before glancing down at the folder in front of me. Around me, several chairs were pulled out, and people began to sit down. A few curious glances were exchanged but no one said a thing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Melissa in the back of the room, a tablet held to her chest. When I fixed my gaze on her, she offered me a bright smile, looking pristine and put together in her skirt and button-down blouse.

Only I knew about the cunning and manipulative woman who lurked underneath.

As soon as the room settled into silence, I gestured to the folders spread out over the table and pushed myself away. “A few weeks ago, I noticed a discrepancy in the company’s finances. I didn’t bring the matter up with the board because I wanted to investigate it myself. An accusation like this is a serious thing, and it should not be taken lightly.”

Several members of the board looked at each other before glancing away again.

“Unfortunately, it’s not a discrepancy like I hoped it was. The company has not been making the numbers it should be, and that’s because we have a spy.”

A ripple of shock moved through the crowd.

Jason, who sat closer to me, glanced around the table, his face giving nothing away. I came to a stand in the middle of the room so I was facing all of them directly. Then I clasped my hands behind my back and drew myself to my full height.

“I’ve done my own investigating before deciding to bring the matter up to the board of directions, and it pains me to say that I’ve failed.”

Silence stretched over the room.

“I should’ve noticed that it was happening right under my nose. As your CEO, I should’ve known better,” I continued, my eyes sweeping over the room before they landed on Melissa. “If I had, I would’ve noticed that my own secretary has been leaking information to our biggest competitor.”

Every eye in the room turned to my secretary who froze like a deer caught in the headlights. She sat up and held herself still, her face giving nothing away. “You don’t have any proof.”

“I do. It’s all in the folders on the table. I have the emails and the transactions. Everything. You left a paper trail, Melissa.”

Melissa jumped to her feet, and her expression turned furious. “You can’t go over my private emails. That’s an invasion of privacy.”

“You didn’t use your private email. You used the company email.”

Another murmur of surprise moved through the room.

Melissa stiffened. “Meleese is the better company.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way. You’re fired, Melissa. There will be an investigation during which it will be determined whether or not formal charges will be pressed. In the meantime, you will hand over your badge, and any personal effects on the premises will be seized. You will not be given a letter of reference. Security will escort you out.”