“I’m not a publicist.”

“We don’t need someone with publicity training,” Albin replied, pausing to push the laptop away. “As long as you have experience in the hospitality department, which you do, and you did work forGent’s.”

“I was only there for a few days. It’s barely a blip on my CV. I don’t even think I should keep that.”

Albin shook his head. “You should because it’ll help. Your experiences make you qualified, Mar. I’m not just saying that because I want to offer you the job. I really think you’d do a good job.”

I tilted my head to the side and studied him. “You’re not just saying that to be nice, are you?”

Albin stepped out from behind the counter and reached for me. “I’m not. You deserve a break, and I want to help.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Albin nodded. “Okay, good. So, what do you want to make for dinner?”

“Mac N’ cheese,” Jimmy interrupted, his face propping up from behind the couch. “And chicken nuggets.”

Albin chuckled. “We can’t have that every day, buddy. How about we try something different?”

Jimmy exhaled and threw himself backward onto the couch. “Fine.”

During dinner, I felt Albin’s eyes on me, but I focused on the food. Once we were done, Albin cleaned up while I helped Jimmy finish his homework. Then I took Jimmy upstairs for a bath, and I stood outside the door, scrolling through my phone. When Anne’s name flashed across the screen, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“What took you so long?”

“I just got home,” Anne replied, her voice drifting away before it came back on. “And I’ve had a long day. Do you remember that house I told you about?”

“The one where the murder-suicides happened?”

“That’s the one. We finally had a buyer come in. It was this cute couple, but they were really dragging their feet.”

“Did you manage to sell it in the end?”

“Not yet.” Anne sighed, and I could hear the exhaustion in her voice. “But I think I’m close. I have a good feeling about them.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Hold on. Let me take off my shoes.” I heard a clatter and the sound of a zipper. “Okay, so you messaged me about this job opportunity.”

“It’s in the publicity department.”

“That’s not really what you’re looking for, is it?”

I leaned against the wall opposite Jimmy’s room and peered through the slit, catching glimpses of him as he played with his rubber duck. “No, it’s not, but at this point, I can’t afford to be picky. It’s been weeks, and I need a job.”

“I thought you said that Albin was generous.” Anne’s voice was muffled, and she sounded out of breath. She came back on, sounding more confused. “Doesn’t he pay for everything in the house including Jimmy’s expenses and yours?”

“Yeah, but I’m not comfortable taking all that money from him.”

“Jimmy is his son, and you are his girlfriend. It’s okay for him to do these things.”

I ran a hand over my face. “For Jimmy. Not for me. I need to be able to rely on myself. I can’t go to him every single time I need money. It’s embarrassing and humiliating.”

“Does he give you a hard time?”

“No, but it’s still uncomfortable for me to ask,” I whispered, with a quick look at the stairs. I heard Albin moving around as he tidied up then I heard him whispering into the phone. Without warning, his voice went quiet, and I heard his fingers moving over the keyboard.

“Babe, I know it’s uncomfortable, but that’s part of being with someone. Letting him take care of you.”