I twisted to face Martha and cleared my throat. “I want to tell him who I am, Martha.”

Martha stood up and held my gaze. “I know, and I want you to tell him too, but it’s not the right time. There’s already been a lot of changes over the past few weeks. He needs time to adapt.”

I nodded. “Okay, but I don’t want to wait too long.”

Chapter 27


“Why don’t I play you a movie while mommy sits down to finish some work?”

Jimmy climbed onto the couch next to me and placed his head in my lap. “You’ve been working a lot, mommy.”

I pressed a kiss on top of his head. “I’m still trying to find a job, sweetheart, remember?”

Jimmy glanced up, and his expression turned eager. “Or you could stay home all day.”

I laughed ruffled his hair and twisted my free arm from behind his back. Once I pointed the remove at the TV, Jimmy flipped to the other side of the couch and curled up into a ball. Together, we settled on a movie after a brief debate. Then I reached for the blanket draped over the back of the couch and placed it around him.

Jimmy smiled at me before his gaze turned to the TV.

I stood up, stretched my arms over my head, and sighed. When I bent down to pick up my laptop off the coffee table, Albin’s arms snaked around my waist, and he pulled me to him. I giggled when he kissed the back of my neck, sending shivers racing up and down my spine.

We had already been living together for two weeks, and I still couldn’t imagine getting used to having him around. Every morning, we all woke up together, and Albin helped me get Jimmy ready for school. As soon as they both left, I sat down to a cup of coffee and scoured the internet for job listings. In the afternoon, when Jimmy returned, he had a snack, and we went over his homework.

But my favorite part of the day was the evenings when Albin came home. Each evening, as soon as he stepped in through the door, Jimmy dropped whatever he was doing and raced towards him. And each evening, without fail, Albin hugged Jimmy to him and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I liked our family, even if the way we came together was unusual.

Little by little, the pieces were all falling into place, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. With a sigh, I snuggled against Albin. One hand patted his hair, and the other held the laptop away from us. Albin led me into the kitchen and I set the laptop down on the counter before I spun around to face him.

He placed his hands around my waist and drew me in for a kiss. “How’s the job hunt going?”

“It’s going. I’ve applied to several publishing houses, so I’m waiting to hear back.”

“Have you thought about applying for something else?”

I nodded. “Yeah, no luck. How’s it going with the swing set?”

Albin rummaged through a few of the cupboards before stopping at the sink. In silence, he filled the kettle and set it down on the stove. When he spun around to face me and gave me that familiar smile, my stomach did somersaults.

“I think we should just invest in a new swing set.”

“That can’t be your solution for everything,” I replied, pausing to lean against the counter. “If something is broken, we fix it. We don’t throw it away.”

Albin made a vague hand gesture. “It’s an old swing set, Mar. My parents got it for me when I was younger than Jimmy. I think it’s time we invested in a new one.”

“You are not going to give this up, are you?”

Albin grinned. “Nope. Here, let me take a look at your CV. Maybe I can help.”

I pushed the laptop toward him and reached for my phone. “By the way, don’t forget that Anne is coming by for dinner later this week. She might bring that guy she’s been seeing.”

“If the weather is nice, we can barbeque outside,” Albin replied without looking at me. “I just got an idea. What if you apply to another media job?”

I replied to Anne’s message before setting my phone down on the counter. “What do you mean?”

Albin glanced up, his expression excited. “We have a vacancy in the company. It’s actually perfect for you, now that I think about it. It’s in the publicity department.”