“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to pass by Albin’s company. I know it’s late, but I thought maybe I could leave him a message or something.”

Anne nodded. “That’s actually a good plan. You can leave him my number if you want.”

I lifted my purse and cleared my throat. “We’ll see. I’ll be back soon.”

Outside, I paused to zip up my sweater. Then I hurried to the bus stop, thinking about Albin the entire time. While it was a relief to have the space and a moment to think about how fast everything was moving, I knew that it wasn’t what I wanted.

Not anymore.

I didn’t want to keep fighting my feelings for Albin, not if it meant getting in the way of my happiness. When I got on the bus and brought my head to rest against the glass, I kept seeing images of Albin, from the grouchy man who saved me from the wolves to the calm and patient father who’d sat next to Jimmy to help him color. The two of us had been through a lot together, and the thought that I might lose him because I kept letting my fear control me didn’t sit well with me.

And the closer I got to his office building, the clearer everything became.

I didn’t want to be on the outskirts anymore.

But I hoped I wasn’t too late.

Albin had respected my wishes and done everything within his power to keep his distance, even when I knew it wasn’t easy for him. During our outings, Albin didn’t miss an opportunity to take pictures or tell stories, all in an effort to make Jimmy know he was there. Before my very eyes, he was revealing himself to be the man and father I hoped he would be, but it still terrified me.

It was much easier writing Albin off and convincing myself it was for the best.

Having witnessed the kind of man he was firsthand, I could no longer deny the truth. While I sat there, waiting for the bus to inch closer, I sat up straighter and peered ahead. Rows and rows of cars were at a standstill on either side of the bus. A few honks rose through the chilly night air, but everyone remained still.

You can do this, Mar. Just get to the office and find him. Everything else will sort itself out. There’s nothing to be afraid of, remember?

Except my knee couldn’t stop bouncing.

And I couldn’t stop imagining how Jimmy would feel if Albin broke his heart. Little by little, the bus crawled forward. When traffic eased up and set off at its normal pace, another wave of nervousness washed over me. Before I knew it, the bus was pulling to a stop a few blocks away from Albin’s office. On shaky legs, I got off the bus and paused to glance around.

Other than a few people here and there, the streets were mostly empty.

I stood underneath the streetlight and ran my hands along the front of my sweater. Then I tossed my hair over my shoulders and set off at an even pace, my heart pounding steadily against my chest. The office building loomed in the distance, glistening underneath the pale glow of the moon. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of movement. When I glanced over, I saw Albin stumbling out of the bar across the street. He swayed on his feet, muttered something underneath his breath, and patted his pockets.

With a sigh, I took a step toward him and froze.

A petite brunette pushed the doors open and walked up to him. She draped his arm over her shoulders, smiled, and led him away. I stood there, my feet like lead, as I watched her lead him away, with no resistance on his part. On the contrary, Albin leaned into her touch and went willingly, a strange look on his face.

Even from a distance, I could tell he knew her.

And she knew how to handle him.

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. Before I could talk myself out of it, I found myself following them, leaving a wide berth of space between us. A short while later, the brunette came to a stop in front of Albin’s apartment building. She reached into his pocket, pulled out his key, and grinned triumphantly. He stumbled up the stairs behind her and waited.

She was beautiful in a way that was effortless.

And she probably didn’t have the same kind of baggage I did.

Was that why he was attracted to her?

From my spot on the opposite side of the street, I knew I was never going to measure up to her. Whatever history the two of them had, it was nothing like ours. Albin and I had faced one obstacle after the next since meeting each other, and a part of me wondered if that was why we couldn’t make things work.

We had been trying too hard.

And we shouldn’t have to.

Once the door clicked open, the gorgeous brunette ushered him in and pulled the door shut behind her. I winced, shoved both hands into my pocket, and hung my head low. A cold wind rustled past, making the hairs on the back of my neck rise. When I looked back up, I found myself staring at his window, searching for his vague silhouette. Instead, the brunette materialized in the window, and I caught a brief glimpse of her flushed skin before she drew the curtains shut.