“I like the hours,” Anne replied before finishing her water. She washed her cup and set it out dry. “But this isn’t the best economy for real estate.”

“I was thinking of investing in a real estate company.”

Anne blinked. “Cool.”

“Know any good ones?”

Anne raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to win me over by investing in the company I work for?”

“I was asking a genuine question, but if you think it’ll help…”

Anne’s expression turned amused. “You’re doing fine so far. I think you’re good for Martha, and I think you’ll be good for Jimmy. Just don’t hurt them, okay?”

“I won’t.”

Martha came out of her room in a knee-length floral dress with a matching purse. My breath hitched when she looked up and smiled at me. Her eyes didn’t leave my face as she knocked on Jimmy’s door, and he came out in shorts and a t-shirt with his backpack on. He walked ahead of her, and his eyes went up to my face. With a smile, I ushered them both out the door and into the car waiting by the curb.

When I sat behind the wheel, I adjusted the rearview mirror and snuck glances at Jimmy. Martha slid her seatbelt into place and fussed over Jimmy before we drove away. Houses and trees whipped past us. Slowly, the houses gave way to buildings, and it wasn’t long before we were in the main part of the city.

A short while later, I pulled up to an empty spot and killed the engine. “Here we are.”

Jimmy pressed his face to the glass and grinned. “Can I go on all those rides, mommy?”

“Not too many, or you’ll throw up.”

Jimmy pushed the door open and stumbled out. Martha was in front of him in a second, adjusting his clothes and holding onto his backpack. I came to stand next to her, swung the backpack over my shoulder, and placed a hand on the small of her back. Jimmy kept up a steady stream of conversation as we walked through the main doors and into the outdoor amusement park, where rows and rows of concession stands were lined up on either side of us, everything from popcorn and cotton candy to homemade jewelry.

“Why don’t I take you on the carousel?”

Jimmy bounced on the balls of his feet. “Can we go on the bumper cars after?”

I glanced over at Martha, who nodded. “Race you to the carousel.”

Jimmy took off like a bullet and waved his arms triumphantly when he reached the carousel line. Martha followed at a distance, a soft smile hovering on the edge of her lips. Once the metal door slid shut behind us, I helped Jimmy onto one of the horses and stood next to him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of movement, and Martha stood on the other side of the metal enclosure surrounding the ride, her phone held up to her face.

She called out to Jimmy, who showed off a row of pearly white teeth.

After snapping a few pictures, the ride started, and it began to spin. During the ride, Jimmy and I kept up a steady stream of conversation, discussing everything from toys to books. When I helped him off, he slid his hand into mine and led me to the bumper cars. I wanted to bottle up the feeling swelling inside of me and savor it. Knowing that he liked me enough to spend time with me left a warm glow in the center of my stomach.

In the bumper car, he shrieked and laughed.

Martha snapped more pictures in the background, saying little as she gave us our spice. Having her nearby helped, especially considering how nervous I was to be around Jimmy. Still, I also appreciated that she didn’t hover, allowing the two of us the time to get to know each other. By the third ride, Jimmy was swaying on his feet, his face flushed with color. I left him with Martha on the bench and went to the concession stand. He cheered when I set the snacks and soda down.

“Slow down, sweetheart,” Martha scolded, pausing to push his hair out of his eyes. “I don’t want you throwing up.”

“I’m not going to throw up,” Jimmy insisted, in between handfuls of popcorn. “I’m having too much fun with Albin. This is the best day ever.”

Martha glanced up at me, and her expression softened. “I’m glad you’re having fun, honey.”

Jimmy used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Can I go on more rides after this?”

I sat down across from them and took a sip of my soda. “We can stay here as long as you want, buddy.”

Jimmy clapped his hands together.

Martha and I shared another look before she glanced away, color creeping up her cheeks. Little by little, she was softening to the idea of me being there, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. As much as I wanted us to be a family, I knew that taking it slow was important. Martha was right about the two of us learning to navigate as parents first before we could be anything more.

Even if I had no idea how I was supposed to resist her.