“Yes, but I don’t think you’ve thought about what it would mean for us. Even if we tell HR, people are going to talk about me and the reason I got this job.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does. I already told you that I need a stable job to provide for myself and for Jimmy, and I can’t afford to take a chance on anything else.”

Albin covered the distance between us and reached for my hand. “I know that, Martha. I want to take care of you, and I want to help you take care of Jimmy.”

My breath hitched in my throat. “You can’t say stuff like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because.” I withdrew my hand and took a few more steps away from him. “Because you just can’t. This is my responsibility, not yours. I appreciate the offer, but I should go.”

Without waiting for a response, I spun on my heels and left. I felt his eyes on me the entire time as I put as much distance between us as possible. At the end of the street, I rounded a corner and breathed a sigh of relief. Then I stopped and leaned against the wall, and ran a hand over my face.

Why had I done that?

Why couldn’t I just accept that Albin was being sincere?

Unable to find the answers I needed, I pushed myself off the wall and walked in the direction of the bus stop. As soon as I got on, I chose a seat near the front, next to the window. After setting my purse down on my lap, I pressed my face against the glass and looked out, spotting Albin as we drove past. He was still standing in the same spot I left him, a crestfallen expression on his face and his hands hanging limply by his side. With a sigh, I touched my finger to the glass and swallowed past the lump in my throat.

Although Albin had no idea why I was doing this, I liked to think that if he knew, he would appreciate the sacrifice I was making. Sitting in Mr. Banks’ office while Albin fought for me made me realize two things at once. The first was that I couldn’t go back to working for Mr. Banks since he had already gone back on his word, and I had no guarantees he wouldn’t make a move again.

The second was that I couldn’t work for Albin either.

Because it would put me in an awkward position on all fronts.

The thought of having to find another job weighed heavily on me, but I knew it was the right thing to do. By the time the bus pulled up to its last stop, a few blocks away from Anne’s house, I had a heavy knot in the center of my stomach. When I got off the bus, I stood up straighter and walked with my head held high. Each step away from Albin and the future we could’ve had together felt harder and harder.

When I got back home and opened the front door, it opened to reveal Jimmy, and I burst into tears. Then I dropped to the floor in front of him and took him into my arms. Jimmy wrapped one arm around me and used the other to pat my hair. Through my tears, I saw Anne wipe her hands on her apron before taking it off. She walked over to us, gently pried Jimmy away, and helped me to my feet.

In silence, she led me to the couch.

“Jim-Bo, why don’t you go pick out a story for mommy to read? I’m sure reading an extra story tonight is going to cheer her up.”

Jimmy nodded and took off in the direction of his room. When he was out of earshot, Anne sat down across from me and took both of my hands in hers. “What happened? Did your boss try anything?”

I sniffed. “No, Albin was there the whole time. I’m sure if he had tried something, Albin would’ve kicked his butt.”

Anne’s expression turned relieved. “Okay, that’s a good thing then. Why are you crying?”

“Because I didn’t sign the contract. Albin was right. Banks was just trying to lure me back in, but he had no intention of honoring his promise.”

Anne’s grip on my hands tightened. “You should sue him.”

I swallowed and cleared my throat. “I don’t think it’ll do me any good.”

“Please tell me you at least didn’t sign the contract.”

“I didn’t.”


I shook my head. “Not good. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. I promised I would help out and pull my weight around here. How am I supposed to do that without a job?”

“You’ll find another one. I’m sure, and I’ll help you look.”

“It was a good job, Annie. With insurance and everything. I don’t think I will be able to find something that good again.”