The buzzing of my phone brought me back to the real world, and I answered it with a sigh.

“Have a good flight?”

Jason Garber was my right-hand man and best friend for as long as I could remember. We grew up together, went to the same university, and both graduated with honors. He was the voice of reason and the one man I knew could keep a proper head on his shoulders when things went south. He was also the one who had warned me about driving in a storm all those years ago, and even though he had been spot on, I would have never met Martha if I had listened to him.

Maybe never meeting Martha would have been a good thing, and you wouldn’t be so miserable.

I shook the thought away.

That night was precious. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

“Earth to Albin.”

“Right here,” I replied, my attention returning to the world outside.

“So, your meeting is at nine in the morning, so try not to stay up too late, and definitely no sexcapades, OK?”

“You’re my advisor, not my mother.”

“And I’madvisingyou to take it easy,” Jason replied. “You’re already on the brink of burnout, and honestly, this investment looks promising. So I need you on your best behavior.”

“I’m still not sure why I didn’t just send you instead,” I said with a smiled.

“Advisor, not butler,” Jason chuckled. “Remember that. There are things you have to do yourself.”

“Can I at least meet them in the meeting rooms here instead of going to the offices?”

“What is wrong with you?” Jason said in exasperation. “Seriously, get some fresh air, move around, see people. What are you going to do, spend the whole three days in your suite?”

“I wouldn’t say no to that.” I chuckled. “I like the suite.”

“You’ve been in it at least four times this year, so I’m sure the appeal’s worn off. Just remember, you’re meeting the magazine’s editor-in-chief and his assistant. They should be there on time. Try not to scare them away, OK?”

“I’m not that intimidating.”

“It’s not what you do, but more what you don’t do. Your whole blasé attitude towards things you don’t work hands-on in.”

“I am not blasé.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Prove it.”

“What’s the magazine’s name?”

I was just about to reply when I realized I had no idea.

“Exactly,” Jason said. “Can’t say that I’m surprised. Please, for the love of God, at least show them a little interest.”

I chuckled. “You make it sound like I’m some stuck-up asshole.”

“Of course you are,” Jason said, laughing. “It comes with the territory. I’ll email you all the information you need. Keep me posted on how it goes.”

“Sure thing,” I replied. “Wait, Jason.”


“What’s the magazine’s name?”