I looked up at the looming literature building in the distance and quickened my pace. If I weren’t careful, I’d be late to class, and the last time that happened, the professor had given me quite the welcome, much to the amusement of the entire lecture hall.

“Honest to god, it’s been three weeks, and it doesn’t get any less daunting,” I admitted.

“Come on, Mar, you got this,” Anne replied, and I could hear Jimmy turning on the TV in the background. “Hey, buddy, screen time doesn’t start for another hour.”

“Auntie Anne!” Jimmy whined in the background.

I smiled. “Did I ever tell you that you’re a hero for covering for me today?”

“Not enough,” Anne laughed. “I only need to be in the office three times a week, and besides, I love spending time with the little rascal.”

“Just make sure he isn’t stopping you from doing actual work,” I said.

“Hey, our agreement was you go to college, and I get to do whatever I want at home. If I want to play all day, I get to do that.”

“I hate that I’m becoming the more responsible one,” I joked.

“Responsible? Jimmy’s the only responsible one.”

I laughed again and pushed through the Lit building’s double doors, quickening my pace towards the lecture hall. “I’m bringing food from the restaurant today.”

“Leftover pasta and chicken parmesan,” Anne said. “Hey, buddy, you hear that? It’s a feast today!”

“I’ll see you guys tonight,” I said, shaking my head at how silly Anne could be when she was alone with Jimmy.

“Bye, mommy!” Jimmy yelled.

“Yeah, bye, mommy,” Anne repeated. “Take care of yourself, OK?”

“Sure,” I replied and hung up.

Luckily, I made it into the lecture before the professor and quickly found a nice spot near the back. Looking out at the sea of students sitting around me, I was still having a hard time believing I was back here. It had taken Anne months to finally convince me to go back to school, and although it was all a little daunting, I had to admit being back felt good.

After five years of motherhood and working odd jobs, I needed to feel like there was more to what I could achieve. I had to thank my lucky stars for Anne’s work-at-home policy because with the job at the restaurant, night classes had been a no-no, and I was still not comfortable hiring someone else to take care of Jimmy.

Well, not just uncomfortable. Affording it was a problem as well.

Sure, Anne’s salary had carried us through most of the past five years, and I did try to pitch in with the meager money I made working odd jobs here and there. But I owed her so much, and it was about time I carried my own weight.

“Is this seat taken?”

I looked up and paused. Dark green eyes, beautiful brown hair, and the body of a Greek god had me speechless. The smile that followed almost made my knees week.

“No, it’s not,” I stammered.

The young man slid into the seat next to me and gave me an even wider smile. He held out his hand. "Horace.”

I shook it, feeling a jolt of electricity course through my arm. “Martha,” I replied.

He held my hand for a few beats too long before finally letting go, and I was overcome with a feeling of sudden nakedness.

I hadn’t been on a proper date in years. Between Jimmy, the restaurant, and the fact that I was at least five years older than most students here, it was next to impossible to have any romantic aspirations. Still, it didn’t stop me from looking, and the young man sitting next to me right now was definitely a feast for the eyes.

“I have to admit something to you,” Horace said. “I’ve been working up the courage to introduce myself to you for a week now.”

“Is that so?”

He nodded. “Didn’t get the chance, and most of the time, you’re either late to the lecture or gone before I can even get out of my seat.”