@PsychedelicAlmond: Anything from you would. I’ve got to do this on my own. And I have to turn in all of this tomorrow to meet the grant deadline.
@TheZMan: Do you have ice cream?
@PsychedelicAlmond: Well, that’s random, but of course I have ice cream. We live in Austin, isn’t it against the law to not have Blue Bell in your freezer?
@TheZMan: Excellent point.
@PsychedelicAlmond: How will ice cream help?
@TheZMan: Because it’s ice cream. Ice cream always helps.
@PsychedelicAlmond: Hmmm … I think I was looking for something a little more concrete than that.
@TheZMan: The trick is to take a break, walk away from the computer, eat some ice cream and come back to it with a fresh eye.
@TheZMan: Also, literally go through the code line by line. Debug it old school style. Another set of eyes would help, but I assume you don’t want to share your screen so I can read over your shoulder.
@PsychedelicAlmond: Not even a little bit.
@TheZMan: It’s not a crime to accept help.
@PsychedelicAlmond: But it’s a slippery path. There are always people willing “to help” and then pretty soon, what started out as mine will be theirs.
@TheZMan: Help doesn’t have to be like that.
@PsychedelicAlmond: Maybe not. But if I do all of it on my own, I know it’s mine.
@PsychedelicAlmond: But if you want to hang out with me while I eat my Blue Bell Moo Bar, I could handle that.
@TheZMan: It’s a deal.
@PsychedelicAlmond: BTW, I have a complaint about this software.
@TheZMan: That’s not good. What is it?
@PsychedelicAlmond: I wish it allowed gifs.
@TheZMan: What?
@PsychedelicAlmond: Sometimes I really need a Mrs. Doubtfire gif, but this software has no such capability.
@TheZMan: Why do you ever need a Mrs. Doubtfire gif? Why does anyone need that?
@PsychedelicAlmond: First of all, watch the tone, Mister. Mrs. Doubtfire is a classic. But mostly because I have a weird thing where I use a British accent when I’m nervous.
@TheZMan: That’s adorable.
@TheZMan: The reason though is that this is anonymous to maintain professionalism they don’t want colleagues flirting back and forth with cheeky gifs.
@PsychedelicAlmond: I see what you did there with the use of the word “cheeky.”
@PsychedelicAlmond: So is that what we’re doing? Flirting?
@TheZMan: It’s what I’m doing, but I think my game is off.
* * *
@TheZMan: I have a question for you.