Page 27 of Curvy Love

@PsychedelicAlmond: You wouldn’t dare!

@TheZMan: But, just so you know, it’s okay to ask for help.

@PsychedelicAlmond: Just so you know, there are some things you have to do on your own. Independence is very important.

@PsychedelicAlmond: And don’t think I haven’t noticed that you still haven’t told me one way or the other if you’re on the committee who will select the grant winner. Because if you are, we’ll need to stop messaging.

@TheZMan: I would miss talking to you.

@PsychedelicAlmond: I would miss that as well.

@TheZMan: The answer is no, I will not be the one selecting the winner.

@PsychedelicAlmond: So you can’t get rid of me that way.

@TheZMan: Guess I’ll just have to keep you then.

@PsychedelicAlmond: Speaking of things you keep, let me tell you about that new restaurant by my house…

* * *

@PsychedelicAlmond: I know you weren’t always as successful as you are now. Well, at least I’m guessing that, unless you were born into your job.

@TheZMan: What are you trying to say?

@PsychedelicAlmond: Okay, brace yourself.

@TheZMan: Consider me braced.

@PsychedelicAlmond: It turns out, I need advice.

@PsychedelicAlmond: You went silent on me. Did the shock kill you?

@TheZMan: Yes. I’m typing this message as a ghost while the medics work to bring me back. Better ask fast. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and I think I smell my nana’s apple pie.

@PsychedelicAlmond: Dial down the drama, okay?

@TheZMan: Sure. What do you need advice about?

@PsychedelicAlmond: How do you deal with the overwhelm? I feel so scattered and unfocused about my project. I know ultimately what I want it to be, but it seems like the pieces are never going to completely fit together. Like I’m trying to put together a puzzle with pieces from different boxes and I don’t know what exactly I’m doing.

@TheZMan: I feel that way with every project I ever do. It’s part of the process. At least for me, it is. Perhaps it’s the same for you. Every project—at least the ones worth doing—feel too big to accomplish. It’s how you know you’re on the right track. Anyone can do the easy projects. The tough ones—the ones worth doing—need someone as smart and focused as you.

@PsychedelicAlmond: Have any advice of how to deal with it so I can get back to being productive?

@TheZMan: Think about why you started the project. What is your WHY? If you don’t know why you’re doing it, then you’ll never have a clear picture of the end result. It’s like walking around in a dark maze. You’re just making turns but you have no idea if you’re getting any closer to the end or just walking in circles.

@PsychedelicAlmond: Look at us using all the metaphors today! How very literary of us ...

* * *

@PsychedelicAlmond: UGH! Why can’t I get this code to work?

@TheZMan: Need help?

@PsychedelicAlmond: Yes, but no thank you.

@TheZMan: That counts as a hand up?