Page 71 of Baby Daddy SEAL

“I think he is, too,” I chipped in, relieved. “This is going to be good, Alison. I can feel it.”

I kept my arm around her as we went into the kitchen. I saw Henry do a slight double tap at the sight of me holding her like that, but to his credit, he didn’t say anything about it.

This was the way things were now, and thankfully, he seemed like he was going to be able to accept that.

Chapter twenty-five


“OhmyGod,”Ibreathed. “This place is gorgeous.”“The whole villa is ours,” Brian said happily. “For the next three weeks.”“I can’t believe we were both able to take that much time off.”

“Your boss still thinks you hung the moon, though, so it isn’t a problem.”

“Yeah, he does. Did I tell you he’s already talking about a second assignment for me?” I asked. “I think he wants to get as much as possible out of me before my maternity leave starts, so I’m expecting the next few months to be packed.”

“Just tell me you’re not investigating the SEALs again.”

I laughed. “No, I’ve asked to be removed permanently from that duty. I’m looking into corporate espionage now.”

“Well, that ought to be interesting.”

“I hope so. And more to the point, I won’t feel like a bitch if I have to turn some CEO in for doing something underhanded. It’ll feel like they deserve it.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. I’d feel the same way.”

“But that’s enough shop talk,” I said. “This is our vacation. I want to enjoy it. Come on. Let’s check this villa out. And then I’m going to want a nap. I didn’t sleep on the flight, which was a long one.”“At least we were able to go, first class. Did you enjoy that?”

“Oh, yeah, that was amazing. I’ve never flown first class before.”

“I have, but only for business. I’ve got to admit that traveling with you is much more fun than traveling with the SEALs.”

I walked through the spacious, open first floor of the villa. I could see that double doors at the back of the kitchen led out directly onto the hot Fijian beach, and I couldn’t wait to get into my bikini and lie in the sand for a few hours. But maybe a nap would come first, and then I’d spend the evening out there when the sun was a bit lower. It was ungodly hot here in Fiji, and even though I knew I would enjoy it, I had to take care not to let myself dehydrate.

Everything mattered so much more now that I was pregnant. I had to be so mindful of my health.

Brian seemed to be thinking along the same lines because he went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. He handed it to me. "Drink up,” he said. “You didn’t have enough to drink on the plane.”

“I didn’t want to have to pee a hundred times,” I told him.

“Right, understandable, but now we’re here, so you can pee all you want. Drink the water.”

“I’m surprised there’s water in the fridge.”

“I had the place stocked. We’ve got everything we need.” He held the refrigerator door open so that I would be able to see what was inside.

“Whoa.” I came over for a better look. There were fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of drinks, milk, and eggs—everything we could have wanted. “This is great. How did you do this?”

“The people I rented the villa from did it,” Brian explained. “I sent them a little extra money to stock us up. Wouldn’t want my girl to go hungry while we’re trying to have a nice relaxing vacation.”

“Maybe you’ll teach me how to cook while we’re here since you’re such a pro at that,” I suggested.

“That’s possible. I’ll have you making eggs five ways by the time we go home,” Brian promised. “Now, let’s go check out the bedroom.”

He slapped my ass as we went up the stairs, making me squeal and run a little bit ahead of him. “You’re bad!”

“You like it, though.”

I couldn’t deny that. I'd been drained and exhausted when the plane touched down, but now that I was in this beautiful place with him, my body was starting to wake up. The fact that we had the next three weeks to do whatever we wanted was highly tantalizing. I couldn’t wait to get him naked.