Page 70 of Baby Daddy SEAL

“Henry,” I started.

Henry didn’t answer.

“Look, I know this raises red flags for you. I know I haven’t always been the most respectful person in the world regarding women.”

“Understatement.”“All right, fine. You’re right. I’ve been a dog. And I know you’re upset about how I treated Alison when I found out she was turning in evidence on the SEALs. I’m upset about that too.”

“I forgave you,” Alison told me.

“I know you did. That doesn’t make it okay, the way I acted. Understandably, your father would be defensive. And I appreciate that Henry, because I want her to have as many defenders as possible. If I ever make a mistake and mistreat her, I want her to have people on her side. I love her.”

Henry glowered. “What do you mean you love her?”“I mean what I say,” I said. “Why do you think I was so upset when I realized my reaction to the investigation hurt her?”

“I thought you just felt guilty.”“I did feel guilty because I care about her. Because I’m in love with her, and I don’t want to be the person who hurts her.”Henry looked from me to Alison and back.

I could see that he was genuinely considering that.

“You’d better treat her well,” he said gruffly after a moment.

“I will. Of course, I will.”

“I might be retired, but I can still put you on your back if the situation calls for it.”

He couldn’t. He had never been able to get the upper hand on me reliably when we’d sparred. But now wasn’t the time to make an argument out of which of us was stronger.

“Don’t worry,” I told him. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything to hurt her.”

Henry looked at us for a moment longer. He seemed to struggle to figure out what he wanted to say next.

“You’re pregnant?” he asked Alison at last.

She nodded, and I saw tears in her eyes. “You’re going to be a grandpa,” she told him, her voice cracking a little. “It’s good news.”

“Oh, Allie…” He stood up and came over to us, and she got to her feet and went into his arms. He held her tightly, then looked at me over her shoulder.

“I guess I can make peace with this,” he said. “Alison could be with worse guys than you.”

“That’s the spirit,” Alison said, laughing a little against her father’s shoulder.

“You just treat her well, so I don’t have to clean your clock.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else,” I assured him. “You don’t have to worry about that, Henry. I mean, if there’s one thing you don’t have to worry about, it is me treating her like anything other than the princess she is.”

“I’m not a princess,” Alison objected.

“You are to me,” I told her. “You’remyprincess.”

“All right, all right,” Henry quipped. “That’s enough of that. Save it for when you’re on your own.”

Then he released Alison and looked at me. “How about a couple of beers? And a soda for the mother-to-be?”

“That sounds great,” I said gratefully, relieved to see that we had come to a place where we could view this as good news and celebrate together.

Henry started toward the kitchen. I got to my feet, and Alison came over to me.

“You see?” I told her. “That wasn’t so bad.”

She laughed shakily. “It was rough for a minute there. But I think he’s coming around to the idea of us being together.”