Page 5 of Baby Daddy SEAL

To tell the truth, I’d always thought of it that way too. My feelings for Brian had always felt something like a celebrity crush—powerful, bordering on obsession sometimes, but not actionable.

Last night, for the first time, it felt like something I might potentially act on.

I hadwantedto.

If he had tried to make a move, I knew I would have given in so fast that it would have made his head spin. So maybe it was for the best that he hadn’t tried it.

“Did you tell him about your job?”

I laughed. “Not really.”

“Why not? Aren’t you proud to be working for the FBI?”

“You know I am. You know that job means the world to me. But to other people, it’s probably pretty boring.”

“There’s nothing boring about being an analyst for the FBI, Allie. You know how impressed with you I am!”

“Yes, but you’re my father,” I told him. “You’d be impressed if I worked at a convenience store.”

He laughed. “There’s some truth to that, I guess,” he shrugged. “But you know I’m muchmoreimpressed by what you’re doing now than I would be by almost anything else. Working for the FBI is something, Allie. And I know how much that job means to you, too.”

I drew a deep breath. I wasn’t going to get a better opening than that for what I needed to talk to him about. “Actually,” I paused and cleared my throat, “I need to talk to you about my new assignment.”

I noticed how my father’s ears shot up, and a broad grin followed this. “A new assignment, eh? That’s pretty exciting.”

I hope you still think so when I tell you what it is!

“The FBI Is launching an investigation into possible corruption in the military,” the words rolled off my tongue slowly.

Dad sighed and rolled his eyes. “Of course, they are,” he retorted. “They do this every few years. They never find anything, of course. They should know by now that the United States military is completely beyond reproach. Maybe you’ll be able to help put that matter to bed once and for all, Allie. Wouldn’t that be something?”

I frowned. “You know I can’t go into an investigation with any preconceived assumptions, right, Dad?”“Meaning what, exactly?”

“I can’t assume that the military is innocent of wrongdoing.”

“Alison,” Dad sighed as he scratched his brow with irritation. “The United States military is entirely responsible for your excellent childhood. You are aware of this, aren't you? Everything good in your life has been made possible by the military.”

“That’s not exactly fair,” I frowned.

“You don’t think so?”

“There are plenty of good things you’ve gotten for me. Or things I’ve gotten for myself,” I breathed. “It doesn’t all come directly from the SEALs.”

“So, you’re too good for the SEALs now?”

“Dad.No.” God, this was going worse than I had imagined it would. “You know I’m proud to be the daughter of a Navy SEAL. I always have been. That’s not what this is about.”

“Why don’t you tell me what this is about, then? You’re going into a military investigation expecting to uncover corruption?”

“I’m sure there won’t be any corruption! I’m just saying that I will have to say something if I see something. I can’t go into this with the mindset that I will be protecting the military. That’s literally the opposite of what my job is.”

“I can’t believe my own daughter would sell out the U.S. military.”

“Dad. Be serious. You don’t want there to be corruption in the services.”

“Of course, I don’t. And there isn’t any.”

“In which case, I don’t know what you’re worried about,” I said. “I’m not going tocreatetrouble. I don’twantto find anything.”