Page 39 of Baby Daddy SEAL

“You will,” I assured him. For the first time, I felt grateful for what I had found. It might not make Brian or my father happy, but it was going to bail me out of the bind I was in here.

I wished Grummond had been clear about his timeline expectations when I’d started this assignment—but then, if I had gone any faster, I wouldn’t have found what I had. I’d only found it because I had looked back farther than the current year, and if I had been rushing, I wouldn’t have had time to do that.

He’ll be glad I am thorough when I show him my report.

But I couldn’t hint at what I had without speaking to Brian first. It would be too big a betrayal—and I needed to confirm my suspicion that Jack was the one responsible, too.

I was going to have to be quick about it all.

“All right,” I told Grummond. “You’ll have my report by tomorrow morning. But I’ve got to go work on it if I’m going to have it ready.”He waved his hand. “Go on,” he said. “Do whatever you need to do.”

I decided to take that at face value. What I needed was to go back to talk to Brian again.

I hurried back to my desk to collect my briefcase.

Chapter fourteen


Icouldn’tgetAlisonout of my head. And unlike the times that had happened before this past weekend, I was now enjoying her company.

There was no more conflict in my mind about it. It was just fun, thinking about how I’d fucked her all over this office, planning where I might have her the next time I got the chance. There was a supply closet with a locked door—it would be easy to pull her in there and get her clothes off. We’d have to be quick about it in case anyone came looking for spare pens or manila envelopes, but quick was fine. I could make her come fast.

That was one of the perks of fucking someone younger. Her body was always ready for me. Or maybe it was just the fact she wasthat attracted to me.

Because I was sure as fuck, that attracted to her. I hadn’t been this good to go, 24/7, since I was a teenager, and I was enjoying it. I would have guessed that part of my life was over, and it was nice to have it awoken in me again.

I’d been wondering all morning if I would see Alison again today. I knew she wasn’t finished with her investigation. And honestly, after the weekend we’d spent together, I thought it would be fun and hot to be forced to act professionally in front of everyone. The subtext was sexy.

So when I saw her enter through the front door, I immediately got up, left my office, and went over to her, ready to begin the game.

“Ms. Barrett,” I said, doing my best not to grin at her. “I see you’ve come back for more.”

Alison looked up at me.

She wasn’t smiling.

“I need to speak to you,” she said. “Privately, please.”

My heart sank. What could this be about? Was it possible she was regretting the things we’d done? Maybe she’d changed her mind about it all again and had come to tell me that we would have to make another stab at professionalism.

“My office,” I turned and led the way, and Alison followed.

Once we were there, I closed the door behind us and shut the window blinds for privacy. Alison looked a little startled, and that annoyed me.

“Don’t look at me like that; I’m not going to start ripping your clothes off.”

“Well, you can’t exactly blame me for wondering,” she shot back.

“You made it pretty clear out there that wasn’t what you were here for” I snapped back.

She made a face.

“Please, Allison. We might not have been doing this for a very long time, but you do have tells, you know. I can read your face. Something’s bothering you. If you regret the way we spent the weekend, just say so. I don’t have all day.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh,” she said. “No, it isn’t—that’s not what I came to say.”

I had to admit, I was surprised. I was pretty sure I’d known what to expect from her here. “All right,” I said. “What, then?