Page 29 of Baby Daddy SEAL


She went off to the conference room, leaving me with my thoughts.

I didn’t get much sleep that night.

It was hard to think about anything other than Alison. It was hard to tear my thoughts away from the fact that she was just a short distance away from me, that beautiful body I’d enjoyed so much twice now lying vulnerable in sleep.

I was sure she would give herself to me again if I asked her to. It hadn’t been hard to talk her into it on either occasion. And if she was going to be that easy to persuade, why shouldn’t I?

Henry would murder me for it, but who was ever going to tell him? I didn’t believe Alison would, not after the way she had given it up to me this evening. We could both get in trouble professionally, but I’d been bluffing when I’d told her I would tell the feds, and she didn’t have anyone to report me to.

No, I was pretty sure that—for as long as we wanted to, anyway—we could get away with this.

And I wanted to.

A huge part of me wanted to go into the conference room right now and demand to have her again, but I didn’t want to push my luck. I didn’t know how she would respond to that. I would ask her again later, maybe. Maybe after I’d given her some of the documents she was here for, she would be in a cooperative mood, and then we’d see what she would be willing to let me do.

Sounded like a fair trade-off to me. Feeling a little more satisfied with my thoughts, I could finally drift off to sleep.

I was awakened the following day by light streaming in. For a moment, I mistook it for the overhead lights and thought we were saved, but no. They were still off. We were still locked in.

I went out into the office with breakfast on my mind. Nothing electric was going to work, obviously, but if I could get water to boil over a candle or something, I’d be able to make pour-over coffee, and I could use a caffeine hit today.

Alison was standing in front of a file cabinet.

I’d been wondering if she was going to notice that.

She turned to me. “This is locked,” she said, almost accusingly.

“Yeah, it’s locked. Do you want some coffee? I was going to try to make a pot.”

“Yes, and the key to this cabinet, please.”

“What do you want in there?” I was more amused than irritated. She wasn’t going to wait for the grass to grow.

“I can’t get into the computer system, but I bet you have paper copies of the SEALs’ finances, right?”

“Well, sure.”

“And those would be in here?”

“Right in one.”


“Can I make the coffee first?”

“Just let me have the key, and I’ll find what I need while you do your coffee thing.”

I chuckled. “Okay, okay.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “You’re going to give it to me?”

“I told you I was going to help you get whatever you wanted, didn’t I?” I narrowed my eyes. “You know. Last night, while you were begging for my cock.”

She blushed. I was a little embarrassed by how thrilling I found that, but the thrill was weightier than the embarrassment. “I thought you might just be saying that.”

“I don’t just say things. If I told you I was going to help you, it means I’m going to help you.” I stepped into my office and twisted the dial on the safe built into my wall. When I emerged, it was with the key she had asked for, and I tossed it over to her. “Here you go.”