Page 31 of Baby Daddy SEAL

“That’s right. I don’t.”

“Then you won’t miss me if I step out and catch up on my reading.” I was sure I had a novel in one of my desk drawers.

“All right,” she said, slightly surprised but not displeased. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.”

“Do that,” I told her.

I turned and went into my office, not wanting to be around her anymore. I didn’t think I could take it. Even now, as she was looking through those files and trying to find dirt on the SEALs, all I could think about was how I’d pinned her up against the wall on my dick and made her come apart.

At least I knew I had that power. If she did anything I didn’t like during the remainder of this investigation, I would remind her exactly who was in charge here and make sure she didn’t forget.

Chapter eleven


“Findanythingyet?”Iasked Alison.

She yawned and stretched, her shirt lifting to expose a patch of bare skin at her midriff as her arms reached overhead. “Nothing yet,” she said. “But I thought I wasn’t going to find anything.”

“You aren’t.”

“Because you seem nervous, Brian.”

“Nervous that I’m never going to get rid of you, maybe.”

I wasn’t trying to be rude. I’d said it more by habit than anything else. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to take my words to heart. Maybe she was used to it by now.

She shrugged. “That’s on you; I’m ready to walk out of here as soon as you get that door open. But you know I can’t do that.”

“I can’t do it either. Not until the power comes back on.”

“Then you’re stuck with me, and I’m stuck with these papers.”

“At least take a break,” I suggested. “You’ve been working for hours, and the sun’s starting to go down. You’re going to strain your eyes if you keep this up.”

Alison shrugged and got to her feet. “Yeah, all right, we could have dinner. I guess it’s cold spaghetti again.”

“We’re just lucky there was catering in the fridge after all,” I told her. “Most weekends, there wouldn’t have been anything, and we’d have had to actually break that vending machine open.”

She giggled.

I looked at her. “What’s so funny?”

“Just… you. Breaking open a vending machine.”

“You don’t believe I could do it?” I raised my eyebrows. She must know better than that. Her father was a SEAL. She knew the strength we had.

“I know you could do it physically, not sure you could do it mentally.”

“And what does that mean?”

“You’re so by the book, Brian. Just look at how you reacted when I wanted to take a bag of chips from that machine without paying earlier.”

“I like to abide by the law,” I told her. “That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of breaking a rule when I need to.”

“Mmm, yeah,” she said, pushing past me toward the break room. “You’re a renegade.”

“Hey.” I grabbed her by the wrist and spun her to face me.