“Zara?” he said, not sure what question to ask. There was the usual wariness within him since he’d never asked personal questions of a lover before. And he definitely didn’t want to start now.

But then Zara had always made him forget his own damned rules.

“More please.” She opened her mouth against his chest, the tips of her teeth digging gently into his pecs. “More, Virat.” She demanded it this time when he didn’t respond.

Virat stuck up a rhythm with his fingers and she pushed into his touch with a soft groan. He kept her there—at that cliff and then worked her back down again, until she was sobbing with want. Dipping his head, he kissed the taut nipple of one breast and then closed his mouth around it.

Zara writhed under him, her hands in his hair holding him there. Moving his hand away from her inviting heat—despite her husky protest and breathy warning, Virat pushed down his trousers and then reached for her skirt. The voluminous thing grated at the little patience he had left. Her toned thighs trembling, Zara lifted up her hips as he gathered her skirt and pulled it away.

Their gazes met and held, each challenging the other to make this less than it was. Each searching for the other to make it more. Virat was the one to look away first and it felt as if he’d lost something in a battle he hadn’t signed up for.

At last, there was no barrier between his flesh and hers. Pushing her thighs wider, Virat entered her in one smooth thrust. The sensation of her clamping him tight was so incredible that for a few seconds he didn’t realize that she had stiffened under him. Her palms were on his hips, he realized through the fog of pleasure, her nails digging in.

Her head turned away from his, and he saw the sweep of her eyelashes cast shadows onto her cheekbones. She looked achingly vulnerable then, her body betraying a secret he didn’t want to know. The last thing he wanted was to be the bearer of someone’s secrets.

Especially hers.

“Zara?” he said then, his own voice a croaky whisper, his body humming at him to move. To see this through. But despite his best intentions, it was hard to treat this woman he’d once known so well as a stranger. He nuzzled his nose into her temple gently, gathering her to him. “We can stop if that’s what you want,shahzadi.”

She turned back then and he could see the Zara that held the world at bay had returned. “But I didn’t even climax,” she said, with a mock pout.

He smiled, even though a part of him was perversely displeased that the moment of vulnerability was over.

“Continue, please,” she said with all the grave austerity of a queen ordering her knight to do her bidding.

“As you wish,shahzadi,” he said against her lips, before sending his mouth on a foray down her soft cheek, to the madly fluttering pulse at her throat. He trailed kisses lower until he captured one taut nipple with his mouth and licked it until she was trembling under him.

“Slow or fast?” he asked with a smile, remembering how he’d teased her once.

“Slow and deep or hard and fast... I don’t care,” she said on a breathy whisper. “I just want...”

Virat tilted her pelvis and pulled out and then thrust in deep. Every muscle in his lower belly rubbed against hers. She was so snug around him he knew he wasn’t going to last long. Every stroke sent him hurtling toward his own climax, the upward tilt of her hips every time he moved setting fire to his nerve endings.

“Please, Virat, now,” she whispered.

He snuck his other hand in between their bodies and rubbed her expertly in exactly the right place.

She came like fireworks in the sky with a soft moan and his name on her lips. The spasms of her flesh sent tremors running up and down his legs. Pushing his free hand into her hair, Virat thrust in and out, in a series of shallow movements that lit up every muscle. That unraveled the knot in his lower belly even faster.

Then he took her fast and deep, chasing his own ecstasy with an urgency that had no finesse. The litany of his name on her lips only added to his satisfaction. His climax still roaring through his body, Virat buried his face in her neck.

The scent of sweat and sex was a powerful cocktail in the air around them, but instead of feeling the urgent need to extricate himself, all Virat felt was the opposite.

He wanted to linger in this languorous moment. Even that, however, wasn’t a warning to his rational mind. Because sleeping with Zara was the easy part. Their chemistry was still a powerfully rare thing, but the intimacy it forced on them...

Slowly, without pulling out of her, he raised himself up on his elbows and studied her.

Her head to the side, her eyes closed, her breaths were shallow and fast. A bead of sweat lazily rolled down her neck and onto her chest. Virat waited and then licked it up just as it began its descent between her breasts.

She moaned, her entire body trembling under him.

He immediately went half hard inside her again.

“I thought you’d have outgrown that by now,” she said, a wicked smile curving her mouth, carving that gorgeous dimple on one side that every man and woman oohed and aahed over.

When he went to pull away, she stopped him. Her gaze met his, full of a naughtiness that he barely saw flashes of anymore. “I’m not complaining.”

He ran a thumb over the shadows under her eyes. Shadows that she never let anyone see. “You look tired. I should take you back to your room.”