She didn’t know what to say to that, so she said nothing.
‘I went to visit my father,’ he went on.
‘I heard your PA calling the pilot to take you to Madrid. How is he?’
‘At his manipulative best.’
And possibly so was his son. Because he peeled off his clothes and climbed into the vast wooden bed that had seen so much passion in recent weeks.
She wanted to be in his bed—that was why she’d come to him tonight. A little too easily, perhaps, but the damage to her pride was worth it.
Because he took her in a way he never had before.
He took her slowly, and held her arms above her head just to watch her orgasm.
She was coming apart, and he was taking her as she did so, deeply kissing her, then pausing to softly kiss her eyes. And all the time he drove into her. Then he knelt up and held her hips as he took her to the limit, and the groan he let out as he achieved his own climax had her calling out as she orgasmed again more deeply than she ever had.
It was sex like she had never known existed.
Emily lay there in the dark, staring into the night and feeling Alejandro asleep, spooned into her, his arm over hers, his hand on her breast. And she didn’t know any other way to describe the sex they’d just had.
It felt as if they had just made love.
‘HEY!’ ALEJANDROSMILEDas Emily came up the stairs carrying a large box. ‘What the hell is that?’
‘A flamenco doll,’ Emily said, laughing as she opened up the door to her little apartment. ‘I got it for Willow.’
‘Your goddaughter?’
He picked up the large boxed toy as she put it down and peered at the gaudy doll. She was dressed in a green frothy lace dress and her nails were painted red. There were plastic gold hoops in her ears.
‘She’s a bit creepy,’ Alejandro said.
‘Willow’s four,’ Emily said, by way of explanation. ‘She’ll love it. I’ve also bought her a dress to match.’
Emily had bought a lot of things for her goddaughter. Little sweets, a fridge magnet... It surprised him.
After all she was here working, not on holiday.
‘Where are you going?’ she asked. ‘You’re looking very smart.’
‘I have a business lunch in Seville.’
‘It’s the weekend,’ Emily said and he heard the slight strain to her tone.
It was her last weekend.
Her suitcase was out, and he hated the sight of it.
Usually it was tucked away in her wardrobe, but now and then she dragged it out, and he’d found it brought back too many memories.
Black memories that seemed to be becoming more vivid with each passing day.