‘You would just do anything to keep her.’

‘Alejandro, I want to make sure that the people I love are all taken care of.’

‘I get that.’

‘I think your wedding should take place sooner rather than later—’ he started, but Alejandro cut in.

‘I’m not marrying Mariana, Padre.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘I shall support your business decisions, but you cannot dictate who and when I marry.’

‘No! I have been patient, but it’s time. I need to go to my grave knowing the future of the bodega is secure. And for that to happen—’

‘Save the deathbed speeches,’ Alejandro said. ‘If you have the surgery there might be no need for them.’ He would not be manipulated. ‘I’m not going to marry on your command.’

Alejandro’s voice halted as a rather too unfamiliar face peered around the door.

‘Alejandro...’ His mother gave a tight smile when she saw him. ‘I didn’t know you were here.’

‘Since when do you ever know my plans?’ He picked up his laptop and started to pack up.

‘Don’t rush off because of me, Alejandro.’ She smiled at him.

‘I have to fly back tonight.’ Often he would stay on in Madrid, but on this night, after this exhausting day, he simply wanted to be at home.

‘Alejandro has voted,’ José told her. ‘Your beautiful face shall stay on our label.’

‘You voted for me?’ Maria looked over to Alejandro and smiled in delight. ‘You have always stood up for me.’

‘I’m just respecting my father’s wishes.’

‘Not all of them,’ said José. ‘Alejandro, I’m asking you to reconsider. Take some time to think.’

‘I don’t want to reconsider,’ Alejandro said. ‘And I don’t need time to think. I mean it, Padre. I have your back when it comes to the business, but just stay the hell out of my private life.’

The thought of home, with Emily, was tempting, and Alejandro flew through the late evening to be with her, rather than staying in a hotel.

Emily heard the soft knock on her door at what she guessed was around midnight. She lay there, trying not to be pathetic and jump out of bed just to greet him. He’d want her to go to his place, because her bed was too small for his frame.

It wasn’t just because of his earlier cool treatment of her that she lay there. She’d actually felt a little ill after work...had just come home and gone to bed.

She was hurting, and she was worried she was going to get needy and mess up her side of the no-strings interlude to which they’d agreed.

He didn’t knock twice.

And it should have come as a relief—except it did not.

She’d heard his PA book him a flight to Madrid and guessed he must be visiting his father.

Had there been bad news?

Hating herself for being so weak, she climbed out of bed and pulled on the rather tatty robe that he teased her about. Taking the key, she locked up.

He’d taught her the private code for his door, so she was able to slip in.

‘Sorry about earlier,’ he said as she entered his apartment. ‘I just didn’t want Sebastián getting wind of us.’