‘She’s after his money.’
‘Please,’ Alejandro said again, once more dismissing the notion. ‘She is one of Spain’s most famous flamenco dancers. She has sell-out international tours even in her fifties...’
‘You really believe she loves him?’ Carmen snarled.
‘Not for a moment—but it’s what he wants to believe.’
‘You know we’ll just change it once he’s gone,’ Sebastián said. ‘It will be two to one then.’
‘Perhaps.’ Alejandro stared at his older brother. ‘But I haven’t written him off as dead yet. Anyway, it’s up to you if you want to disrespect his wishes.’
‘Speaking of our father’s wishes,’ Sebastián said, ‘what is happening with your wedding? We need a date...’
He spoke as if it were still a given—for both his and Mariana’s family. The fact that they would one day marry had long been considered as such.
Alejandro didn’t answer directly. ‘I’m going to visit Padre this afternoon,’ he informed his siblings. ‘I’ll tell him my decision about the label, and I also want to speak with his surgeon.’
Alejandro wanted to see his father for himself.
It was late afternoon when his plane landed in Madrid, and early evening by the time he’d spoken with the specialist before seeing his father.
‘I don’t want more surgery,’ José said, and all Alejandro could think was how frail he looked.
But he did not address him as if he were—instead he chose to be blunt.
‘Then do you want me to look at hospice care?’ Alejandro asked. ‘Because that is what all the specialists have said is the alternative. For the treatment to have any chance you need surgery...’ He took a breath. ‘Padre,’ Alejandro said to this most difficult man, ‘why are you not fighting?’
‘I am,’ he said.
‘I have told Sebastián and Carmen that you have my vote for keeping Maria on the label, and I also agree she should be mentioned on the new website.’
‘What did they say?’
‘They are not best pleased.’ Alejandro shrugged. ‘But while you are still here there is little they can do. You can tell Maria the good news when she visits tonight...we all know she’s here all the time.’
‘Hmm...’ His father let out a soft laugh. ‘You don’t approve?’
‘It’s not for me to approve.’
‘She is talking of cancelling her summer tour to be with me.’
‘So she’ll take time off now you’re dying? Are you worried she might not do it if you have a year or two left rather than months?’
‘You sound like Sebastián.’
‘No,’ Alejandro said. ‘Have you discussed surgery with her?’
It was a cruel question, perhaps, but had not been cruelly asked.
‘No, I try to keep things light. She’s seen enough of my moods.’
‘Jesus...’ Alejandro let out a soft laugh. His parents’ relationship was toxic at best, fatal at worst—but then he had always known that. And so he sat on the bed and held his father’s hand.
‘I love her too much,’ José said.
‘No...’ Alejandro shook his head, and looked around the luxurious private suite.
His father had everything he needed—Maria talking about cancelling her tour and visiting him. Sebastián and Carmen might hate her, but to Alejandro his father was as guilty in the breakdown of the marriage as she, and his summing up was an honest one.