He left the door open and went inside, entirely giving Emily the option whether to leave or go in.
She stepped inside, not into a hallway, but into a dark, sensual space.
His residence was stunning.
Male, sexy, vast...
And unlike in her little apartment there were no sounds coming up from the street or the courtyard.
The walls were white, hung with ancient hangings and a few musical instruments, as well as a lot of art. Random sculptures were dotted about the place. The place was like a very stylish and muted Aladdin’s cave—or rather a grown-up Aladdin’s cave. Because rather than garish jewels, everywhere she looked there was a subtle treasure...a chest, a piece of art...a guitar...
The room also contained a pair of low leather couches and she perched on the edge of one as he offered her a drink.
‘A gin and tonic,’ Emily said, as his hand hovered over the black Romero sherry bottle.
‘I’d have to call down to the bar for that.’
‘A brandy, then,’ Emily said. ‘Or cognac.’
He poured her a generous measure of cognac and she took it silently and stared at it for a very long time, not really knowing what to say. Then she plucked at the awful skirt that had felt so right for fun in the studio, but was not her outfit of choice when sitting in the home of this very sophisticated man.
Then he spoke.
‘You make me smile, too,’ he said suddenly.
Emily looked up from the depths of her gloom, wondering if she’d missed something he said.
Possibly he saw her confusion.
‘I was thinking about it after we met at lunchtime. I didn’t get it that Eva said you needed help to smile, or...’ He took a breath. ‘Emily, from the day I met you, you’ve always smiled.’
‘I’m actually quite serious,’ Emily said. ‘When I’m not frantically on the pull with Fernando...’
‘See?’ Alejandro said.
And she looked up and saw that he smiled. It had never occurred to her that it might be rare for him too.
‘I want you to have an amazing time while you’re here, and I’d love to spend time with you, but you have to understand I am not into relationships. Believe me, if you want more than bed then I am not your man.’
‘You are, though...’ She shivered. That had come out sounding too needy. ‘I mean, I want bed,’ she admitted. ‘With you.’
‘I don’t want tears at the end,’ Alejandro said. ‘I told you...ending things doesn’t have to be complicated.’
‘I know. I’ve just got this...’ Still she was able to be truthful. ‘I didn’t know how a kiss should be until I kissed you. I have a past. I’ve seemingly lived with someone...been engaged. And yet I feel like I’ve got a millstone around my neck...’
‘A millstone?’
‘A weight on my shoulders,’ she said, trying to explain something so intensely personal to the man with those dark, knowing eyes. He made her articulate things... ‘I don’t want to be a virgin. It makes me seem...’ She looked at him. ‘It putyouoff.’
‘No,’ he said. ‘It caused me to hesitate.’
‘Please don’t lie when I’m being so honest.’
‘Okay,’ he said, and gave her the truth. ‘It did put me off. I was already a little hesitant, given we’re working together, and with all that’s going on in my private life...’
‘Your fiancée?’
‘We were never formally engaged—but, yes. I didn’t want to stir gossip. I wanted you, though. And then you told me that you’d never slept with anyone and it felt too much. I thought that if you’d waited this long then you should be very sure—’