Page 51 of Marriage of Sin

“Consider it a thank you for last night.”

She chuckles gently. “And I didn’t even do any work.”

“I still had fun.”

“I’m not sure I want to take a sex bribe.”

“Then just take some money from your husband, all right? You could use a new wardrobe. Go nuts. Buy whatever.”

And do it soon, before life gets harder.

“Well, if you insist,” she says, her voice sounding adorably sexy still thick with sleep. “I’m getting off the phone now. I feel it coming.”

“Want me to come home?”

“No. That’s sweet, but seriously, no. I’ll see you later.”

“Take the card. Enjoy yourself.”

“Bye.” She hangs up with a click.

I stare at the dead screen for a moment, picturing her still in bed, hair messy, looking beautiful and half-awake.

Too bad she’s probably hugging the toilet by now, poor girl.

I have to tell my dad what I did, but at least she can have one more day before we’re lined up against the wall and executed.



“Do I have this to look forward to?” Kathryn asks as we stroll through Copley Place, a high-end shopping mall. “Are we going to skip work more often now that you’re married?”

“Well, you’ll have to skip work. I don’t know if I’m going to get a job at all.” I pause outside of Fendi, frowning at the intimidating storefront. I’ve never gone inside of a place like that, much less bothered to stop and stare, but now Finn’s credit card is like a weight in my pocket.

I could afford that store. The thought is strange, almost foreign.

If I wanted something in there, I could buy it without a second thought.

“You’re not working?” Kathryn sounds honestly surprised. “You don’t strike me as the trophy wife type.”

I jab her with my elbow. “I amnota trophy wife, but I have a baby coming, and apparently Finn has plenty of money—” I take a deep breath, turning away. No matter how rich he might be, I can’t bring myself to spend lavishly. I don’t belong in a place like that. “Besides, if it was hard to find work before, imagine how hard it’ll be when I’m showing.”

Kathryn takes my arm, walking close as we move on. “Still, you’re going back to work eventually, right? You always said you didn’t want to be a stay-at-home mom.”

I tilt my head from side to side. “I honestly don’t know what our relationship is going to look like. And I said all that back before I got pregnant. Things are different now.”

She scowls slightly. “Different now? Come on, you haven’t changed all that much in the last few days. You haven’t talked about what your life’s going to look like?”

“I mean—” I hesitate, looking away, feeling foolish. The practical stuff hasn’t come up yet. “No, we haven’t. Everything’s happening so fast, we haven’t actually sat down and gone over what we want out of all this.”

“Girl, I knew you lost your mind, but now I’m pretty sure someone killed the Dara I used to know and replaced her with an alien. Seriously, since when did you not plan, at least a little bit?”

She’s got a point. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been a planner. I kept a diary for years, but it was really a bunch of to-do lists strung together with the occasional entry about my feelings. Which were very intense for a twelve-year-old.

Now it’s like I’m so swept up in this relationship that I haven’t stopped to actually consider what it’ll look like in a year or two or ten.

Or what I reallywantany of this to look like.