Page 22 of Marriage of Sin

I blink a couple times, clear my throat, and gesture. “Gen, this is Dara. Dara, this is Gen.”

“Oh.” Dara stares at her, eyes wide. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you. Um, maybe this was a bad idea—” She turns to run off.

But I step forward, catching her arm. “Gen’s my business partner,” I say smoothly.

“Also extremely gay, if that helps,” Genna says helpfully. “And, if Finn turns you down, available.”

I give her a hard look. “Not helpful.”

“Kidding!” Genna grins. “Nice to meet you, Dara.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Dara looks like she’s barely managing to hold back tears. “But, uh, Finn, I really, really need to talk to you.”

Worry knots my stomach. Did something bad happen with that Johnnie guy? Did he hurt her somehow, and she’s here looking for my help? Whatever it is, I’ll do what I can for her.

But I won’t let myself get involved.

It hits me, all at once, seeing Dara here in this club. She doesn’t belong in my world. She’s too good—too kind—too normal. She’s not hard like Genna or brutal like my brothers. Dara’s softness and warmth, she’s a gentle whisper on my neck.

I can’t drag her through this life. Not when I’m engaged to another woman.

No matter how badly I want to carry her off to my apartment and spend another incredible night between her legs, I won’t do it.

I won’t hurt her like that.

“Come on, maybe—” But I don’t get to finish.

Carson and Nolan come barreling out through the crowd. “Bro!” Carson says, grabbing my arm, his eyes shining with excitement. “Bro, you have to fucking see this. These girls came into the VIP area and started bragging about how much they can drink, one thing turned to another, they’re giving out body shots—”

“Carson,” I say through my teeth.

“They’re hot, bro,” Nolan says, laughing. “Well, one of them is. The other’s fine. But it’s hilarious, they’re like squirming around and laughing, bro, you got to see it.”

“Guys,” I say louder.

“Finn,” Dara says, tugging at my arm. “Really, can we talk?”

“You should go,” Genna says, eyebrows raised. “Hot girls? Body shots? If you’re not down, I’ll go for you.”

“Easy, Genna, I don’t want to get kicked in the nuts again,” Nolan says, glaring at her.

“Don’t try to kiss me.” She shrugs, smiling sweetly at him. “I’m just kidding around anyway. I have work to do, unlike you morons.”

“Finn,” Dara says again, whispering sharply. “Can we just—”

“Sorry, hold on.” I turn to my brothers. “I don’t know what you have going on in the lounge, but can you please cut the shit? It’s the reopening night. Ireallydon’t want to put out any fires.”

“I know, but, bro—” Nolan starts.

“It’s so funny—” Carson adds.

Dara explodes. She grabs my arm, looking me in the eye, her face a mask of despair and desperation. “Finn!” she sounds, loud enough that everyone stares at her. “I’m pregnant.”

The world goes quiet. Nobody moves. Except for Dara’s friend, standing nearby with her face in her hands, shaking her head with a groan.

