Page 82 of Marriage of Sin

I stop and it breaks my fucking heart.

“Wait,” I say and she skids to a halt, her face falling.

She must see it in my expression.

The horrible decision I just made.

Like a knife in my own guts.

“What happened?” she asks. “What did he say?”

“You need to leave town.” I take out my wallet as a plan crystallizes.

“Leave town?” She sounds terrified. “Finn, what’s going on?”

“Take this.” I shove all my cash at her, nearly five hundred, plus my black Amex. “Do you have somewhere you can go? If not, find a random town as far from here as you can get and stay at a hotel. Use the cash. Try not to move around too much. I’ll find you.”

“Finn, I don’t understand.”

I step to her, grabbing her arms, and forcing the money and the credit card into her palm. “Take this, god damn it. I’ll tell the driver to get you straight to the airport. Buy new clothes at the terminal or wherever you end up.”

“This is insane. Why are you doing this?” She’s struggling against tears.

I take a beat. She’s terrified right now and I’m not making anything better by rushing her. But I also don’t want to wait too long, or else I might change my mind, and that would only hurt her more.

“My father wants you gone,” I say, speaking softly. “He wants me to divorce you.”

“Divorce? Gone?”

I shake my head. “I’m not going to do any of that. I made a vow, Dara, and I swear I won’t turn my back on it.”

She blinks back tears. “You won’t?”

“Fuck that and fuck him. You’remy wife, Dara, and that isn’t going to change. I need you to go somewhere safe, somewhere you can lie low while I fix this. I swear, I’m not sending you away forever, but you might not hear from me for a few weeks. Can you handle that?”

“I don’t know,” she whispers.

Her honesty breaks my heart all over again.

“I know you’re scared, but it’s okay. I promise, I’m doing what’s best for us right now. Leave town, go somewhere safe. Don’t contact me. If you do, they might be able to find you. Wait for me to send someone. Do you understand?”

“I don’t want to do this,” she says, holding my hands, her fingers trembling. “I want to stay with you.”

“You can’t, not right now. Please, Dara, get in the car and drive. Just trust me. Can you trust me?”

She stares into my eyes. I can see all the doubt, all the fear. This is what I wanted to protect her from by keeping her at a distance, but it’s too late—we made our choice, we got married, and we both decided to catch feelings.

There’s no turning back.

“I can do it,” she says, straightening up. “If this is what you think is best, I can handle it.”

Dara, my wife, my good fucking girl.

“Lie low. Don’t contact me. Just keep waiting. I promise, I’ll come for you. I won’t forget, no matter how long it takes.”

“I believe you.” She holds my hands for another few seconds before finally tearing herself away.

Pride blossoms in my chest, pride at how she’s stepping up and doing the hard thing, but pain strikes that feeling down as she gets into the car.