Page 58 of Marriage of Sin

I take a breath. This is our chance. My mother’s giving me one shot to fix my mistakes. If I can make it happen, I’ll save my career, save Genna’s career, and make sure my wife and my soldiers are all safe.

Or I could throw it all away, take my new, beautiful wife, and disappear to some pretty tropical island.

“I’ll speak to Robin and her father,” I say quietly. “I’ll set things right.”

“I knew you’d make the right choice.” Mom comes around the desk and squeezes my arms. I stare at her as she kisses both of my cheeks, and a strange realization bubbles up from my depths.

It’s always been her.

Dad’s the face of the family. He might even make most of the decisions.

But the big moves? The deep, clever moves?

They’re always my mother.

And she’s going to twist this situation to her benefit somehow.

Only I have to make sure I’m not left out when that happens.

Mother turns from me and looks at Dara for the first time. Her smile is bright, her head tilted to the side.

“And as for you, dear, I know you must be terrified right now, but really, we’re not so bad. Finley must’ve warned you.”

“He did,” Dara says, sounding like a balloon deflating.

“Then you’ll be okay. Listen to my son.” She turns and walks back to the desk. “Now, both of you, let’s call it a night, shall we? I’m worried that if you stay for dinner, my husband will try to stab you with a bread knife.”

“I’d go straight for the gun, dear,” Dad says, grinning like a wolf.

I steer Dara away from them, heading to the door. Before we can leave, Mom calls out, “Make it right, Finley.”

I nod once as I exit the study.

In the hall, Dara takes several deep breaths. “How screwed are we?” she asks. “And how close did we just come to getting murdered?”

“Very. To both questions.” I pull her along behind me. “But at least now we have a shot.”

However unlikely it may be.



Finn’s parents areterrifying.

His father is this compact little Irishman, all fire and brimstone, but his mother’s arguably worse. The moment she spoke, it was like frost fell from the ceiling, icing up everyone around her.

Including me. I felt like I couldn’t move when she turned her eyes in my direction.

I kind of liked her, honestly.

That’sa good role model all women should strive to emulate. Even if she does want to kill me.

“Do you mind if I drink?” Finn asks, already pouring himself a scotch.

“Only if I can have one too.” When he gives me a look, I smile weakly. “I’m kidding. Your parents scared the crap out of me.” I lounge back on his couch, safe in his apartment. Though I don’t know if I’ll ever feel truly safe again, not after that display.

It was about as bad as I expected. His father’s insults didn’t hurt me—the man doesn’t know me at all—but the threats really cut into my core.