Page 56 of Marriage of Sin

It makes her terrifying.

“You got the girl fuckingpregnant,” Dad says with a groan. “What were you thinking, son? Don’t you know anything about a fucking condom?”

“It clearly wasn’t planned, and I’m not going to turn my back on her. She’s carrying my child—”

“Are you sure it’s yours?” he says, glaring at me. “Who is this girl, anyway? Some stranger? You dug up some club rat and stuck her with a kid? Who knows how many other men she’s sleeping with. You foolish boy, you fucked one of your club whores—”

“Watch your mouth,” I say, stepping forward, rage flaring in my chest like a lightning bolt, almost dragging Dara along with me. “You willnottalk about my wife like that.”

His eyes bug out. “Are you trying to get yourself killed right now? Do you have any idea what’s happening here? You’re not in any position to make threats, you stupid boy. I should beat some sense into you right here and now.”

I glare at him, seething, rage flowing down my spine. I’m dimly aware of reacting exactly like he does—skipping over thoughtful consideration and going right to rage.

I can’t help myself. Hearing him talk about Dara like that, like she’s some club rat I dragged off the dance floor and impregnated—

Fuck, it makes my skin crawl.

For her part, Mom’s stone-faced and dead silent. She’s pale, her hand’s trembling, and there’s a sheen of sweat on her upper lip. I can tell she’s terrified but holding it back.

I take a breath to gather myself before squaring my shoulders. “You always talk about how important family is,” I say, trying to steady my tone, and mostly failing. “Dara is family now. She’s carrying my heir. I understand I fucked up your alliance—”

“You fucked up more than an alliance. McLaren was our ticket to certain important senators, men that can help make our lives easier. I’m inches away from getting legislation passed that’ll ban assault rifles, and once that happens, our family will suddenly become one of the biggest suppliers of illegal guns in the country. All I need is McLaren to ensure it’s a done deal. Except you fucked us.”

My mouth opens. I can barely understand what I’m hearing.

It’s not even about an alliance—it’s about a vote.

A single fucking piece of legislation.

My father was going to saddle me with some strange girl all to get assault rifles banned.

All so he could increase his illegal weapon sales.

This was for the family’s bottom-fucking-line.

Fuck, it’s devious, but it’s also infuriating.

“None of that matters,” I say through my teeth. “Dara is my wife. She’s expecting my child. Carson or Nolan can marry Robin. Hell, give her to Liam for all I care. I’m finished.”

Dad leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. His face falls into a mask of pure derision. “You’re right, Finley. Youarefinished.” His words hang for a moment. “From here on out, you’re excommunicated. You’re finished in the Crowley family. All your accounts will be closed. You will be cut off from our money, our influence, and our power. You will be blacklisted in Boston and wherever else we hold sway. Your name will be like ash in the mouths of anyone stupid enough to speak it. I will ruin your men, your crew, and your friends. Including that pretty little best friend of yours. I like Genna, she has bigger balls than you do, but I will make her suffer just to cause you more pain. You want to turn your back on me? Then we turn our backs on you.” Father stands, pointing one gnarled finger at me. “From here on out, you are no longer a Crowley.”



His words linger between us like cracking flame.


I knew I might be cut off from Crowley funds. I figured I’d be punished, relegated to the margins of the family, even treated something like a pariah.

I can deal with losing the money. I will survive without the prestige.

But to be thrown out completely? To be blackballed?

This won’t only affect me. It’ll hurt Genna, my crew, Dara, my baby. My clubs and restaurants will wither and die. I won’t be able to find work anywhere on the East Coast, and I’ll be lucky to build a new life out west. The Crowley name is powerful, even thousands of miles away.

This isn’t only about hurting me—it’s about hurting the people I care for.