Page 43 of Marriage of Sin

“I have a recording, I’ll send it to you later.” She winks at me, shrugging when Finn threatens to throw her off the roof.

Genna tells a few more stories, and Kathryn adds a few of her own, and although it’s meant to be embarrassing, I actually like hearing about the good old days a little bit, even though the good old days weren’t all that long ago.

Finn puts a stop to the reminiscing eventually.

“I’d like to propose a toast,” he says, holding up his glass of whiskey. “To marriage and a baby.”

“Here’s to that,” Genna says.

Kathryn shoots me a look, but she goes along with it. After, we sit and chat a little bit, Genna doing most of the talking while directing some questions toward me, we break up and head inside. I’m about to walk them to the door when the buzzer rings. Finn brushes past, checks the monitor, and curses.

“My brothers are here.” He looks back, directly at me. For a second, I think he’s going to tell me to hide, or he’s not going to let them inside.

Instead, Genna groans. “Great, the asshole twins are here. I guess the party’s over.”

“Are these the single ones?” Kathryn asks.

I nudge her. “Simmer down.”

“Just saying,” she says, shrugging.

Carson and Nolan come inside, both of them toting sour looks. Carson congratulates me and even kisses my cheek. “I suppose we’re family now,” he says. “I don’t hold it against you, you know.”

“Uh, thank you.”

“I do,” Nolan says, looking as though he wants to charge me like a bull.

Finn stands beside me protectively. “If you two came here to start shit, I’ll throw you both out.”

“Like to see you try,” Nolan snaps, glaring. “You did something stupid as fuck together, Finn. How could you do this? Seriously?”

“Enough,” Carson says, holding up a hand to calm his brother down.

The mood in the room shifts. Genna’s standing stiffly, glaring at the brothers. Finn looks like he wants to stab them both in the throat. Kathryn seems uncomfortable, a little afraid, though she’s staring at them with a thirsty look. Freaking Kathryn.

I’m afraid. I can’t pretend like I’m not. But this is what I signed up for. I knew my relationship with Finn—whatever that relationship actually is—would cause a lot of problems for his family. I knew there’d be confrontation.

I just didn’t know it would happen on my wedding night.

“I’m going to ask you both to leave now,” Finn says, moving forward.

“That’s fine.” Carson puts a hand on Nolan’s arm, drawing him back. “We only came to say congratulations. And to warn you.”

“Warn me?” Finn cocks his head. “You about to make a threat?”

“No, you stubborn asshole,” Nolan snaps. “Dad’s going to find out sooner or later. There are already fucking rumors.”

With that, Finn’s demeanor changes.

His aggression leaks away. He stares at his brothers, hands working, opening and closing into fists. I glance at Genna, and she’s pale like she’s even more terrified than he is.

I’m not sure how I feel. I figured it would happen sooner or later, and since I don’t know Finn’s Dad at all, I’m not sure how bad this is supposed to be. He’s going to hear it sooner or later.

“We’ll go see him tomorrow,” Finn says after a silence. “I’ll get it straightened out. I’ll tell him before someone else does.”

“That’s a good idea,” Carson says. “You’ve been warned. We’ll leave you all to celebrate. Nolan, come on.”

Nolan hesitates, staring hate at Finn, before shaking his head and following Carson out the door.