Page 25 of Marriage of Sin


Dara’s pregnant. With my child.

My head’s spinning. I feel like she kicked me in the face, over and over again. I’m assaulted by conflicting emotions: joy, horror, excitement, anger. I’m worried about what Carson and Nolan are going to do with this information. I’m pissed off that Dara blurted it out in front of everyone, including Genna, though I probably would’ve told her anyway.

Most of all, I’m enraged that this girl is pregnant with my child and she’s sleeping on her friend’s couch.

There’s no fuckingwaythe mother of my child will sleep on a fucking couch.

“I’m sorry, what?” she says as I stand.

I pull out my phone and shoot Genna a quick text.

Finn: Everything’s good. I’m heading out. Damage control with my brothers, please?

Genna: I need details about this, Finn.

Genna: Seriously. Details.

Genna: But I’ll see what I can do about the assholes.

I shove my phone away. “You’re coming home with me.”

“Finn, wait, I didn’t come here for—” She’s blushing, practically purple.

I know what she’s thinking about. The last night we spent together.

I can’t help but chuckle. “I’m not taking you home to fuck you. Although if you want—”

“No,” she says, a little too forcefully. “No, I’m sorry, I just—I can’t get involved like that. I just came here to tell you about the baby and ask for your help.”

“And this is how I’ll help. You’re coming home with me tonight. You’re sleeping in a proper bed. In the morning, we’ll sort out what to do with you next.” I walk around the desk and stand in front of her. “You’re carrying my child now, Dara, and there’s no fuckingwayI’ll ever let you be homeless. From now on, I will take care of you.”

Whether you like it or not.

She blinks up at me a few times.

Then sets her jaw.

“I want yourhelp,” she says, speaking quietly. “I don’t want you to dictate my life. Do you understand the difference?”

“Nothing is free, Dara. There are always strings.” I hold out my hand. “Are you coming? Or are you going to try to figure out this whole raise-a-baby thing on your own?”

Her eyes flash with anger. She doesn’t like my demanding, intense tone, not that I can blame her. But I’m too rattled to be gentle right now.

It’s unfair. I know I’m being a bastard. But this is my child we’re talking about, and Dara did make my life infinitely harder by telling me in front of my brothers. I’m angry, and yes, I’m being a little more controlling than I should.

But fuck. She’s pregnant. The girl I’ve been obsessing about ispregnant.

My life is going to blow up into a million little pieces.

It’s one thing to have an affair—it’s another to knock a girl up.

She has no clue what she just did.

“Fine,” she says through her teeth, accepting my offer. She stands, glaring at me. “But just to be clear, I’m only coming with you so we can discuss this further. I’m not agreeing to anything.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want anymore, Dara. You’re pregnant with a Crowley baby. That means you’re in the family now, whether you like it or not.”