Page 15 of Marriage of Sin



HR calls right around the third time I catch myself daydreaming about Finn. I’m alone in my cubicle, listening to the sound of recycled air hum through the vent above my desk, trying to picture the exact feeling of Finn’s tongue on my clit when my phone rings, ripping me back into the present.

I jump a little, stare at my phone, heart racing, trying to shove the image of Finn down between my legs from my mind. That’s never going to happen again. Might as well accept it.

That man broke me in more ways than one.

“Hello?” I put on my most professional voice.

“Hi, ah, Dara Connell? This is Harry Frith down in Human Resources. We have, ah, John Adair here, and we wanted to have a conversation. Would you mind heading on over?”

I squeeze my eyes closed, stomach doing twists. I was waiting for this, but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast. It’s barely past ten and I’ve only been here for a couple hours. “Happy to. I’ll be down shortly.”

“Thank you very much.”

I hang up, grab my cell, and shoot a text to my best friend.

Dara: It’s happening!!! HR CALLED!!!

Kathryn: NO. He didn’t. That’s insane! He’s the one that accosted you!

Dara: I know. I know!!! But you really think they’re going to believe me?

Kathryn: You have to tell the truth, okay? Tell them exactly what happened. Don’t let him bully you.

Kathryn: I’m serious, Dara.

Kathryn: Don’t. Let. Him. Bully. You!

Kathryn: If you’re going to get fired, at least get fired standing up for yourself.

I take a deep breath, nodding to myself. Kathryn’s right—Johnnie’s going to fuck me over, but I don’t have to just go ahead and let him. I pull on a cardigan, making sure to cover myself up as much as I can. I hate him for it, but Johnnie’s words about my workplace attire really got under my skin.

That’s the problem with guys like him. I know Johnnie’s a sexist little prick and what he says or thinks doesn’t matter, but just him saying it out loud lodges in my brain whether I like it or not.

His shittiness infects me like a virus.

I stand, trying to psych myself up, trying to get a little mad.

But all my anger’s gone.

I stand, staring at my blank computer screen. There’s nothing in me right now, nothing but a vague memory of Finn and a deep, ugly bitterness.

After Finn left earlier this morning, I hurried out of there and back to my apartment.

I found it empty.

Not entirely—Lucas was kind enough to leave some of my clothes (some) and most of my toiletries. But everything else? All of it gone. Anything that could be taken was taken. I assume they sold most of it, or at least they tried to. Maybe they brought the dishes with them to Mexico or something. But it was all gone.

I’m too devastated to work up a rage anymore.

I spent the morning on the phone with the police. They promised to send someone out, but he didn’t come in time, and I had to leave for work. Then I called Kathryn on my way and updated her, including every spicy detail with Finn—well, most of the details. I left out some key bits.

Like the unprotected sex.

She raged for me. God, Kathryn can really work herself up. I let her go on and on about how she always knew Lucas was a piece of shit (true, she told me once when him and I were on a break a couple years back), how she’s going to hunt him down and strangle him, etc., etc. Basically, she vented all the feelings I should be screaming out into the universe.