Page 100 of Marriage of Sin

“I love you too,” I say.

He grunts as if I’ve punched him in the guts and holds me even tighter.

“Finn,” I say, gasping. “You’re crushing me.”

“Shush now,” he says. “Busy loving you.”


“Fine,” he says, relaxing his grip. But he doesn’t let go. “I want to make a life with you, Dara. I want you by my side. Imagine what we’ll do.”

“I’m guessing a lot of sex. Maybe some more murder.”

“Pretty much.”

I laugh, biting his shoulder, and hold him as hard as I can.



Six months pass in a flash. Finn’s father won’t speak to us, but he also doesn’t try to chase us out of town, and he doesn’t stop Finn from running his crews.

It takes six months for the senate to get their shit together. I navigate my preggo belly and collapse into a chair with a groan, head tilted back, as Finn sits beside me and rubs my shoulders. C-SPAN’s on the TV in the Crowley mansion’s rec room. Carson and Nolan are playing pool, chatting with each other amiably, pretending not to be extremely competitive while also trying as hard as they can to destroy the other. Genna’s drinking gin with Kathryn at the bar.

“This has to be the most boring, most important thing ever,” I say as Finn puts an arm around me. “Are they voting? Why are they just walking around like that?”

“They’re voting. See the count at the bottom?”

I grunt and push him. “I’m not blind. I’m just annoyed.”

“The senate likes to take its sweet time. Makes them feel important.” Finn kisses my cheek. “Do you need anything? Something to drink? I can rub your feet if you’d like.”

“My god,” Genna says, staring up at the ceiling. “This man once threatened to cut out my tongue for asking him to share his lighter with me. Now he’s offering foot rubs.”

“It’s sweet,” Kathryn says. “He’s doting.”

“He’s pathetic.” Genna throws back her drink. “But it’s kind of sweet too, I guess.”

I kiss Finn’s cheek. “You’re a good husband. But no, I’m fine for now, thank you.”

“Offers all stand.” He beams at me, tosses a glare at Genna, then joins her at the bar.

“Hey, Dara, your guy just voted.” Carson gestures at the TV. “The one that screwed you guys before.”

“Did he make the right choice?” I ask, eyebrows raised.

Carson nods. “No need for you to prepare the car bombs.”

“Lucky man,” I say, hands on my belly. “Otherwise, I’d have to, I don’t know, waddle over there and yell at him.”

Carson laughs and slaps Nolan on the shoulder. “Your shot, asshole.”

“Fucker,” Nolan mutters. He winks at me and gets back to the game.

I sit back and enjoy the friendly chatter. While Finn’s father hasn’t warmed up, at least Carson and Nolan are friendly now. We have dinner with them almost once every week, which is surprising—I got the sense that the boys weren’t close. But I think Finn’s really trying to make himself a part of the family again, especially with the baby on the way.

I also met Liam three months back, the elusive other brother. He gave me one strange look, nodded to himself, and said, “She’ll do.” That’s all, nothing else. Finn steered me away after that.