Page 77 of Release Me Not

“Do you want to keep things quiet?” I ask her as we reach the elevator and I press the button to take us upstairs.

Zoey smiles, all sexy and secretive. “I mean it’s kinda hot and all, but…”

“But,” I say, pulling her into the elevator, “I’m fucking done with people not knowing you’re mine.”

“Yours, huh?” she asks, her arms looping around my neck.

I smile, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her mouth. “Yes, mine,” I repeat, hitting the button for our floor.

“Can I still sneak into your office for a quickie on your desk from time to time?” she asks, kissing me again.

My hand sneaks down to her ass and I pull her closer. “You better,” I growl against her lips.

She laughs, just as the elevator stops on our floor. Zoey takes a step back, but I don’t let go of her hand and together we step out and into the busy corridor. We are both much later than we’d normally be to work, which means there are a lot more people around to see us and I don’t miss the looks that turn our way. Nor the way those looks take in our joined hands.

“I think people are looking at us,” Zoey whispers as we walk toward her office.

I glance down to find her smiling, clearly not caring one bit about the fact that people are noticing us. With a grin, I let go of her hand, slinging my arm around her shoulders as I pull her close and kiss her temple.

“Fuck it,” I murmur, as Zoey laughs.

When we reach Zoey’s office, Cameron is waiting outside, a smile on his face as he watches us walk hand in hand toward him. It had been a relief to find out that he had nothing to do with any of this. I’m not sure I could’ve handled having someone I work so closely with, someone I trust, betray me like that.

“Mr. Morrison, Ms. Holden,” he says, smiling at both of us.

“Ms. Holden?” Zoey asks with a laugh. “What happened to Zoey?”

Cameron gives her a small nod, even as his grin widens. “Things have changed now, Ms. Holden,” he says, not so subtly glancing at his watch as if to remind us of our arrival time. “In more ways than one, it would seem.”

I let out a laugh, shaking my head at him. “Consider it a permanent change, Cameron,” I say, giving him a grin.

“Very good, Mr. Morrison,” he says, glancing my way as he gives me a knowing wink. “I was just coming past to drop off the proposal the developers sent through, in case you wanted to review it before your meeting today,” he says, handing a copy of the file to Zoey. “Mr. Morrison, yours is in your office.”

“Thanks, Cameron,” I reply, reaching over to squeeze his arm, grateful for having this guy on my side. “And thank you also for holding down the fort these past few weeks, we couldn’t have gotten through this without you.”

“Just doing my job,” he says.

“Bullshit, this was more than that,” I tell him. “And we are both very grateful, for everything.”

“Well,” he says, smiling at both of us. “You’re very welcome. And can I just say…” he trails off, his gaze moving from me to Zoey and then back to me again. “Well, it’s nice to see you both,” he eventually says, even though it’s obvious that wasn’t what he wanted to say. We might have worked together for years, but Cameron has always maintained an air of professionalism with me, never enquiring or prying into my private life.

It's something I’ve always been grateful for, not being a particularly public person anyway. But today, right now after everything that’s happened, he and I both know it’s the things we aren’t saying to each other that are the most important.

He offers us both another smile before he turns to walk away. When he’s halfway down the corridor, Zoey calls out, “Cameron?”

He pauses, half turning to look back at her. “Yes?”

She smiles now, her hand still in mine as she says, “You know you can still call me Zoey, right?”

Now it’s Cameron smiling at her, his face warm and kind as he looks at her. He doesn’t have to say anything for me to know he’s happy for us, it’s written all over his face. And once again, I am so fucking glad he was not involved in any of this.

He nods his head again, acknowledging Zoey’s question before he says, “Whatever you say, Ms. Holden.” Then with a small wave, he turns and heads back upstairs to my office.

Zoey sighs beside me and I let out a laugh as we turn and walk into her office. “I thought he would keep calling me Zoey,” she laments as she walks over to her desk, switching on her computer.

“He’s old school, babe,” I say, closing the door behind us. “And stubborn, just like someone else I know.”

Zoey turns around to me, letting out a scoff that turns to first surprise and then a sexy as hell smile when I flick the lock on her office door.