Page 50 of Release Me Not

We both just decided we wanted to do different things in life. There was no animosity and no rift in our friendship. If anything, we both wanted a chance to explore other things after we sold that ridiculous dating app we’d designed and made a shitload of money off of it.

We’d never expected it to do so well, having made it almost as a joke, but it did and once it sold, we both had more than enough money to essentially never work again. Not that either of us wanted that, but we did choose to go in different directions with our investments. Now that our business goals have realigned again, it makes sense for us to be partners again too. We might have dissolved our former company, but we still maintained a lot of connections. So much so, that starting a new company together was easy.

“It really will,” Brandon says, smiling. “So should we go get some suits?”

“Let’s do it,” I reply with a nod. “You wanna text Trace and tell her to meet us for dinner tonight?” I ask as we head out to my car.

“Yeah sure thing, sounds good,” Brandon says as he pulls out his phone.

While he’s texting his fiancée, I drive us into town, finding a parking spot in front of the store. Inside, an old guy greets us both, offering us coffee before taking us through to a back dressing room where he shows us some suit options.

“What do you think?” Brandon asks as he holds up the two options he’s narrowed it down to.

“I like them both,” I tell him. “You know what color the bridesmaids are wearing?”

“Trace says dark blue,” he replies, his eyes looking at the navy-blue suit and the black one. “I think we should go with the black,” he says, lifting it up. “What do you think?” he asks again.

Laughing, I reach for the one that’s been set aside for me. “It’s your wedding, dude. If you want us to wear black, we’ll wear black.”

“Speaking of weddings,” Brandon says as we each head into a changing room to try them on. “You started shopping for rings yet?”

I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. “What, and upstage you?” I tease.

Brandon scoffs. “Dude, I’m not saying you should propose at my wedding, although that could be kinda cool. I’m just asking if you’ve started ring shopping yet?”

I laugh, buttoning up the shirt. “What makes you think we’re that serious?” I ask, even though I know exactly what he’s going to say to that comment.

“Oh my god, are you fucking serious?” Brandon says, yanking open the curtain to my changing room. He’s standing there in the suit pants, his shirt undone as he stares at me with an incredulous look on his face.

“Gotcha,” I say with a laugh as I slip on the vest.

“You’re a shithead,” Brandon says, quickly punching me on the arm before he moves back to his changing room to finish getting dressed. “And you still haven’t answered my question.”

I shake my head, still smiling as I reach for the jacket, sliding it on before I step out of the changing room. As I stand in front of the huge full-length mirror, waiting for my best friend, I try to picture this whole scenario, only in reverse, with Brandon as my best man and me as the groom.

And even though Zoey and I haven’t been together that long, she is absolutely the only woman I picture walking down the aisle to me. I’d marry her in a heartbeat if I could, I am that certain about her and us. I’ve dated a lot of women in my life, but none of them have ever made me feel even a fraction of what I feel when I look at Zoey. Or when I’m with her.

She literally iseverythingto me and I cannot imagine my life without her.

I hear my phone ping with an incoming text, and I reach for my discarded jeans to grab it, smiling when I see Zoey’s name light up the screen, almost like she knows I’m thinking about her. I open the message to see she’s sent me a video and when I click play, I watch as her beautiful face fills the screen, smiling as she waves at me and starts to tell me how she and Delaney are at the spa, panning the camera around to reveal one of the treatment rooms, before she walks toward the door, opening it to show me the security guy standing guard outside.

I smile, as the camera now spins back to her face as she blows me a kiss and says, “See, all good here! Hope you’re having fun. Love you!”

The video ends, and I quickly type out a response.

Me: Thank you baby, looks like you’re having fun too. Enjoy and I’ll see you tonight x.

Zoey: xxx

“Okay, if you haven’t started ring shopping, then that’s where we’re going next,” Brandon says, now standing beside me. “Cause dude, I have never, ever seen you this smitten with anyone!”

I let out a laugh, throwing my phone onto the cushion in my changing room. “Yeah, yeah. I know I’m pretty much gone when it comes to her.”

Brandon laughs. “Um you’re not gone, you’re likethewalking example of being pussy whipped, Ethan!”

“Whatever, I’m okay with that.”

Brandon snorts as he gestures to the mirror. “So, what do you think?”