Ihaven’t even given Casey, and her storming off to see Ethan, a second thought, and I don’t plan on it. Casey doesn’t realize that after being abducted, dealing with her and her petty behavior, has zero effect on me. I hope she really does go to Ethan, and not that I think he’s going to instantly side with me, but he’s really a no-nonsense boss. I don’t expect him to take my side, hoping for him to lean a little more into hearing Casey out. She’ll shoot herself in the foot because she’s too fired up about my response to her.
What does keep crossing my mind though is that she never denied having anything to do with my abduction and I’ve been tossing it around in my head on if I should call the detective. There are moments when I feel like I’m overreacting, but then I cycle back. It’s not an overreaction; this is my life.
I reach for my phone, scrolling through to find Detective Simmons’ number when my brother Max walks into my office.
“Mom told me you were back here, and I thought there was no way. Had to check it out for myself,” he says, dropping down into a chair across from my desk. “Why are you back at work already?”
“Why are you not at work?” I ask him, a smirk on my face. He hates when I turn things around on him. He’s the big brother. He’s supposed to be the protective one, but unfortunately for him, he was shackled with the obstinate little sister.
“Well, if you must know, I took the day off to check in on you,” he admits, causing me to roll my eyes. “Zoey…” he starts but is cut off by the sound of sobbing as Casey hauls ass down the hallway with Cameron following behind her.
She passes my office, never looking in the open door, but Max and I both watch her go by. Cameron sails on by like he follows sobbing girls on a regular basis. He’s always so stoic and controlled. That’s probably why he’s worked for Ethan for so long. He fits in well.
“What the hell was that about?” Max says, his words a question, not privy to what happened earlier. “Should you go check on her? Doesn’t she work for you?”
I wet my lips, letting out a slow breath as I debate how to handle the situation. Casey doesn’t need me checking in on her because I would guess if I do, it will lead to an argument. She must have gone to talk to Ethan and judging by her response, things didn’t go well.
“It’s a long story,” I lament, shaking my head. I can’t believe how this whole situation has spiraled into so much more.
“I’ve got time,” Max prompts, looking at his watch, playfully. He raises a brow waiting for me to fill him in. “And, you know, I’m not really cool with you being alone here in your office. Anyone could just walk in here.”
I laugh out loud, pointing a finger at him. “You’re right. Anyone did just walk in here. I didn’t see you on my calendar today.” I pretend to search my calendar, shaking my head and shrugging like I can’t find Max’s name.
“When are you going to stop deflecting everyone’s concern? This is serious, Zoey,” Max says, his tone firm.
“I know it is. I’ve been taking it very seriously, but I can’t put my life on hold because of it. I need this,” I tell him, motioning around my office.
“You need that?” Max questions, pointing outside my office, indicating to the scene of Casey blubbering past my door.
“Well, not that exactly, but you know what I mean.”
I lean back in my chair, my thoughts swirling as to if I should tell Max about the situation with Casey, but even more than that, I’m starting to lean toward calling the detective. I don’t need any of this coming back on me, especially if she has something to do with this. If I don’t tell the detective, I have no idea what might happen.
“I think Casey might have something to do with my abduction,” I announce, not really having anything to go on other than her not denying it.
“What? Zoey, are you serious? What makes you think that?” I can see Max tense up, his jaw clenched, his eyes wide.
“She was gossiping about Ethan and me, and then she got pissed off when I wouldn’t recommend her for a job that Elissa had open. I don’t know. It doesn’t sound like much, but …” I trail off, worrying that I sound like I’m grasping for straws.
“Did something else happen?” Max asks, my heart racing at the idea that I might be accusing someone who is innocent.
“I gave her name to the detective, and they interviewed her. She was angry at me for telling them we had issues at work. She said I accused her of being part of the abduction, but she never denied that she had anything to do with it. She was carrying on, pissed off that she had to be interviewed. I gave the detective the names of almost everyone I work with. Not just her.”
I spit it all out, and I feel like I’m defending myself, like I’m the one who did something wrong and that should not be how this is playing out.
“Zoey, if she made you uncomfortable, then you had every right to tell the detective,” Max says, making me feel better.
“I had another run-in with her today,” I admit. “I think she went to talk to Ethan about it.” I clench my teeth and wrinkle up my nose. My face only makes Max laugh.
“And you think Ethan’s not going to side with you?”
“I totally think Ethan’s going to side with me, but I don’t know if she realizes that.”
“Um, it’s clear she didn’t realize that,” Max says, tossing a thumb over his shoulder. “He must have put her in her place, which—”