Page 60 of Release Me Not

“Yeah,” I reply. “Surprised us by showing up early, which means we’re gonna have a house guest earlier than we thought. Hope that’s okay?”

Zoey exhales a breath. “Of course, that’s great he could make it,” she says, her voice sounding weirdly flat.

“You okay?” I ask, immediately worried. “I can get him a room here if—”

“No, absolutely not,” she says, cutting me off. “Of course he can stay with us. It’s just…”

She trails off and the worry I was feeling only moments ago, kicks up a notch, my heart now pounding wildly in my chest. “What is it, Zoey?” I ask, sitting on the arm of the couch. “What’s happened?”

She blows out another long breath. “I don’t want you to change your plans tonight, okay? I’m alright and we are not letting this asshole ruin this night for Brandon and Tracy.”

“Zoey,” I say, my voice firm. “Tell me what’s happened.”

There’s a beat of silence before she finally says, “I went to get my mail from Del and well, there was an envelope that arrived today. It um, it contained some, some photos.”

I stand, my heart now smashing against my ribcage. “What kind of photos?” I ask, glancing at my brother and Brandon who are laughing about something, seemingly oblivious to my conversation.

“Of us,” she replies, her words quiet. “At home. In the hot tub.”

“Fuck,” I breathe out, my hand scrubbing down my face as my eyes close, reliving memories of all the nights we’ve spent in the hot tub out on the back deck. Of the things we’vedonein that hot tub. “Are they…are we…”

“They’re not ofthat,” Zoey clarifies, seemingly knowing what I’m trying to ask. A small breath of relief escapes me before she continues. “But it’s obvious we’re naked and well, there was a message written on one of them.”

“What kind of message?” I ask, anger flaring.

I hear Zoey swallow through the phone and I know that whatever it is, there’s not a chance in hell this is good. I mean fuck, it’s bad enough whoever is doing this had taken that photo back at the police station. But this, taking photos of us in our home, in the one place that’s supposed to be private and safe. This feels like whoever is doing this is now taking things up a level.

“Zoey,” I say, trying to stay calm. “Please talk to me, baby.”

She sighs, before she eventually says, “It said, ‘Wonder how the public would feel about seeing the Holden local heiress like this, princess. Don’t worry, I sent them to your parents too. Fifty grand a pic and I won’t release them to the public’.”

I collapse back onto the arm of the couch, my head spinning as my heart free falls into my stomach. I feel like I’m going to throw up, my hand curling into a fist at my side as I fight the urge to smash it into the window in front of me.

“And yes, before you ask, my parents also got the pictures and we’ve both spoken to Detective Simmons.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “Right and what’s that fucking useless idiot suggesting we do?”

“Not pay, obviously,” Zoey says, and I can tell by her voice how much this is starting to wear her down. “My mom wants to, but I finally talked her off that ledge. Detective Simmons has the photos and he’s going to analyze what he can, but he said not to get our hopes up.”

“Not possible with his level of incompetence,” I mutter, before I say, “Where are you now?”

“I’m at home,” she sighs. “Eric is with me and I’m just about to leave for Tracy’s.”

“No,” I bark out. “Stay there, I’m coming home.”

“Ethan, no,” Zoey says, her words firm. “This is exactly what this asshole wants, and I refuse to let him ruin this night for your friends.”

“This is our fucking life, Zoey,” I whisper-shout and when I look over, both Simon and Brandon are watching me, curious expressions on their faces. “Our fucking privacy has been violated and this asshole is threatening you.”

“I know,” she replies. “And I hate this just as much as you do. But we can’t let him stop us from living our lives either.”

I exhale, knowing she’s right, even if I hate it. Right now, all I want to do is go home and pull her into my arms and keep her there until this clusterfuck is over and I know she’s safe.

“Eric is with me,” she murmurs quietly, as if sensing my unease with all of this. “He’ll be with me all night, I promise. Please go and have fun,” she adds, her words a whispered plea. “For me.”

I stare over at my brother and best friend, shaking my head when Brandon mouthseverything okayat me. I have no idea how I can possibly go and enjoy tonight with this hanging over me. Fun is the fucking last thing on my mind right now.

“Please, Ethan,” Zoey pleads again. “I know you want to come home and protect me from all this and I truly love you for that. But I want you to go and celebrate your best friend getting married. I promise everything will be okay.”