Page 21 of Release Me Not

“Whiskey would be great, thanks,” I tell him.

He nods in acknowledgement before disappearing into the room next door. I hear the sound of ice clinking in glasses before he returns carrying three very generous whiskeys. “Figure we all need it,” he says, as he slides a glass toward me, before placing the other on the table for Pam.

“Thank you,” I reply, lifting my glass in their direction before taking a large mouthful, the liquid burning my throat, but in that good quality whiskey kind of way. “So,” I start, exhaling. “Any ideas as to who might have done this?” I ask, wondering if like Max, they also blame me. Although we didn’t speak to the police before we left the hospital in Redwood, it still seems like they don’t have much information to go on. Nor are they any closer to finding the person responsible for doing this to Zoey. Maybe things will be different tomorrow after we speak to them again, but right now it feels as though they have nothing.

“No,” Jeff admits, glancing at his wife. “We’ve been the target of scammers previously, but nothing like this. Certainly nothing this brazen. What about you?”

I blow out another breath, shaking my head. “No, nothing this bad either. I can’t help but wonder if it’s related to my expansion plans though. If maybe I’ve pissed someone off enough that they’ve done this to get back at me.”

“But why target Zoey?” Pam now asks. “Your relationship was a secret right, so no one knew?”

I shrug, taking another sip of whiskey. “Yeah, that’s a really great question. I guess maybe we weren’t as secretive as we thought,” I admit.

“Did anyone know about you two?” Jeff asks, but it’s not with any accusation or malice.

“I mean my friend, Brandon did,” I admit. “But I trust him. Implicitly. We’re business partners and anyway, he lives in Seattle, and he loves Zoey, thinks she’s great.”

We all fall silent as though we are collectively racking our brains for who could have done this. Targeting both of us not only suggests that both of us could be the target, it also implies whoever did this knew about me and Zoey.

“Oh, shit,” I suddenly say, as a memory from the week before Zoey got taken hits me. “Yeah, okay, my PA, Cameron knew too. Jesus, he found out just before it happened. It was an accident, it was…” I trail off, not really wanting to explain the circumstances of how my assistant found Zoey and I after we had just taken full advantage of my desk and also fulfilled one of Zoey’s fantasies.

“Do you think he could have had anything to do with this?” Pam now asks and I’m grateful neither of them ask for the details on exactlyhowCameron found out.

“I mean, I don’t know, he’s worked for me for years. Like a really long time and he’s been covering for me with Brandon these past few days, I just don’t…” I trail off, wondering if it’s really possible that my PA, the guy who’s worked for me for a decade, could really have done something like this to me. I mean, why? Why would he do something like this, what’s his endgame? Before I have a chance to try and process that thought, I hear my name called.


We all turn to find Max standing in the entryway to the kitchen. “Yeah?”

“Zoey is taking a shower, but can we, um…can we talk for a sec?”

I stare back at him, wondering how this conversation is going to go. As much as I want to sort things out, clear the air between me and Zoey’s brother, I also really just want to go and see Zoey, really want to be alone with her. Badly.

“Sure,” I say, before turning back to Jeff and Pam. “Maybe we can see what the police have on this tomorrow?” I suggest.

“Yes, I know Detective Simmons wants to speak to all of us,” Jeff answers.

I tip my head in acknowledgement. “And thank you,” I start. “Thank you for calling me, for letting me come along tonight,” I add. “I know you didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.”

“Of course,” Pam says, smiling up at me. “And you are more than welcome to stay here tonight too. I know Zoey wants that.”

“Thanks,” I reply, that previous awkwardness returning at the idea of Zoey’s parents letting me stay here in their house with their daughter tonight. I kind of feel like I’m a teenager again, sitting in front of my parents waiting for the sex talk now that I’ve gotten myself a girlfriend. Jesus.

Standing, I throw back the last of my whiskey, leaving my glass on the counter by the sink before turning to where Max still waits for me by the door. With a quick breath, I walk over, following him as he turns and walks out into the huge entryway.

He crosses over the large space and heads into what is another wing of the house, the short hall leading down to a spacious living room area, with a couple of other rooms attached.

“You need another drink?” he asks as he gestures to one of the sofas.

“I don’t know, do I?” I ask, smiling, so he realizes I’m only half serious.

He returns the smile before grabbing two beers from a small fridge hidden behind a cabinet. Handing me one, he takes a seat on the other couch, letting out a long breath before he says, “So yeah, I’m sorry about the way I’ve acted with all of this.” The words are spat out quickly, but they aren’t harsh.

Chuckling, I take a sip of beer. “Guessing Zoey put the hard word on you, huh?”

Max raises a brow, smirking a little as he says, “Something like that, yeah. My sister can be stubborn when she wants to be. A real hard ass too.”

“I know,” I say smiling. “It’s what makes her so good at her job. It’s also one of things I love most about her.”