Page 80 of Release Me

She lets out another laugh, kissing me again before she says, “Okay, we can go home now.”

I smile, loving the sound of that word as it falls from her mouth. “We can and we should,” I whisper, standing and pulling her up with me. “We have a whole weekend to make the most of,” I add, as I pull my pants back up and help her off my desk, shaking my head as she pulls down her skirt before holding a hand out to ask for her panties back.

“No?” she asks, brow raised in question.

“No,” I reply, my hand sliding into my pocket as I grip the lace tightly.

“Like ever, or just now?” she teases.

With a laugh, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against me. “If you never wore panties, babe, I’m not sure I’d ever get any work done. And this desk would get a hell of a workout.”

She laughs, giving me a quick kiss. “Noted,” she says. “I guess I should—”

The rest of what she’s about to say is interrupted by a short knock on my door, before it opens, and Cameron walks in.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” He trails off, clearly not expecting to find Zoey and I in here together, especially in such a compromising position.

I mean, she’s not lying back on my desk with my dick buried deep inside her, thank fuck, but she is standing with her body pressed against mine, my shirt half undone with my arm around her waist and our mouths only inches apart.

Plus, I’m sure we both look as though we’ve been doing exactly what we were doing only moments ago.

Zoey stiffens in my arms, but I tighten my hold on her, gently squeezing her waist in reassurance. “Cameron, hey. Everything okay?”

“I, um…I…” he stutters, his cheeks flushing as the full implication of what he’s just walked in on hits him. “I didn’t think you would still be here,” he eventually admits, an embarrassed look on his face.

He’s right to think that because even though six months ago, I would’ve still been here, things have changed. Lately, with Zoey in my life, I’ve been leaving work at a normal hour, something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by Cameron, even if he never knew the reasons for why. Now though, that reason is standing right here with me, and we both know exactly what it is.

“We were just leaving,” I say, pressing a soft kiss to Zo’s temple. “Did you need me for anything?” I add, knowing he wouldn’t normally be back here so late.

He looks over at us, regret and embarrassment written all over his face. “I am sorry, Mr. Morrison,” he says again. “I didn’t…I didn’t know…”

“It’s okay, Cameron,” I say, wanting to put the poor guy out of his misery. It’s not his fault this happened and I don’t want him feeling like shit about it. “Look, Zoey and I are…well, we’re together, we have been for a while. But we’re keeping things quiet because obviously with the two of us working together, we need to be careful.”

“Yes, I completely understand,” he says quickly, nodding his head.

I smile, glancing at Zoey whose eyes are wide as she gives me a questioning look. Smiling, I lean in to give her a quick kiss, whispering, “It’s okay, we can trust him,” before turning back to my assistant. “We’d appreciate it if you could keep this to yourself for a little while,” I continue. “Just until we’re ready for people to know about us.”

“Absolutely,” he says immediately, his hand up as his gaze flicks briefly to Zoey before returning to mine. “I won’t say a word.”

“Thank you,” I say with a nod. “Now, why don’t we all go home. I’m sure everything else can wait until Monday.”

Cameron nods, offering us both another apologetic smile as he says, “Absolutely. Mr. Morrison, Zoey, goodnight.”

“Night,” I say, and we both watch as Cameron backs out of my office, closing the door behind him.

“Oh my god,” Zoey moans, burying her face against my neck. “I can’t believe that just happened, it’s so embarrassing!”

Chuckling, I smooth my hand up her back, gripping the back of her neck as I drop a kiss to the top of her head. “It was close, that’s for sure,” I admit, not sure I could have handled it if my PA had walked in on us when we were actually having sex.

I mean, yeah, I’ve worked with the guy for years, but we aren’t exactly friends and honestly, that’s a line I never want to cross, not with him, not with anyone.

“Do you think he’s…” she asks, lifting her head from my shoulder.

“Going to tell anyone?” I ask and Zoey nods. “No, he won’t. He’s loyal and discreet, so we’re good.”

“I can’t believe how close that was,” she continues, her eyes wide. “If he’d come in like a minute earlier…” She trails off, shaking her head. “Okay, that is the first and last time we are ever doing that! No more!”

“What, no way!” I say with a laugh.