Page 38 of Release Me

“Cheers,” she says, clinking her glass against mine, still smiling as she adds, “Great presentation too.”

I take a sip of wine, smiling as I shake my head a little. “It’s all catchphrases and bullshit, you know that. I could’ve given that talk in two minutes if I’d just said, work hard and get lucky.”

Zoey laughs now. “Lucky, huh, you think that’s what happened with you?”

I lift a shoulder. “Yeah kinda. Who knew the market was ripe for a dating app thatdoesn’tshow pictures of your potential match? Kinda goes against how these things work, doesn’t it?”

Zoey sips her wine. “I don’t know, when you’reluckyenough to be saddled with a name like mine, maybe not knowing who you’re matching with is a good thing.”

I raise a brow. “You ever used the app?” I ask, curious.

She laughs now, shaking her head. “No, not really my scene.”

I let out the breath I only now realize I’m holding as a waiter walks past with a tray of canapes. I’m fucking starving, having not eaten since the airport back in Tahoe and should probably eat if I’m going to have a few more drinks.

“I get that,” I reply.

“What about you, did you ever use your creation?” she asks, a smile on her face that almost makes me think she’s teasing me.

I let out a loud laugh, shaking my head. “No, never. I think Brandon tried it a couple of times, but yeah, let’s just say he prefers the—”

“Initial attraction?” she suggests, cutting me off, a brow raised in question.

Chuckling, I reply, “Yeah something like that.”

Zoey gives me a sexy smirk now, her bottom lip between her teeth as she murmurs. “I know the feeling.”

Zoey and I hang around for a couple of hours at the welcome reception. I introduce her to everyone I can, staying by her side the entire night because it’s impossible to miss the way other guys watch her, like they’re stalking their prey or something.

Fuck that, these assholes don’t get to touch this woman.

By the time it winds down, I’m happily buzzed, my arm brushing against Zoey’s as I turn to her and ask, “Wanna get out of here?”

She looks up at me, her eyes shining and an easy smile on her mouth and fuck my life if I don’t want to haul her against me, right here in front of everyone, and kiss the shit out of her.

“Yes,” she says, giggling a little. “I think I need some food.”

“Me too, you wanna go out and grab some dinner together or maybe get room service?”

The words are out before I can stop them, and I’m not sure what the hell she’s going to think about either suggestion. One sounds like a date and one sounds like I’m asking her to come back to my room for more than just food.

Well, okay, just food if she’s on the menu for dessert.

And as I wait for her answer, all I can think isfuck me, I am so screwed.



His question plays over and over in my head. He just asked me if I want to have dinner with him, and not just dinner with him, but he asked if we should order room service. I’m not sure that’s the best idea because my self-control is fading fast. Saying no to Ethan is what I should do because if I go back to his room, I’m certain we’re going to cross the line.

But I’m hungry and that’s going to win out over making good choices.

“You want to grab a drink at the bar?” I ask motioning toward where the hotel bar is located. “And then we can order some appetizers?” My suggestion feeds me and also keeps this thing going with Ethan without going back to either of our hotel rooms.

I swear I see a flash of disappointment cross his face, but it fades quickly before he answers with, “That sounds great. I’m going to run to the bathroom. Grab us a seat at the bar and order whatever you want.”

“Do you want me to order you a drink?” I ask, stalling a little, not wanting him to walk away even if I know he’s coming back to me.