I nod.

“Yep. To Fort Benning, right?” I ask, referring to the Army training camp in Georgia.

Benji nods, his eyes darkening.

“Yes, and I’ll be gone for a while. Everyone says that basic training only lasts ten weeks, but you know that I’m not exactly the most physically fit guy out there. I’ll likely have to stay for a couple extra weeks just to get myself up to the Army’s standards.”

I wince internally, even while trying to look sympathetic. I put a hand on Benji’s knee.

“It’s fine,” I say in a low voice. “After you broke your leg during that track meet last year, things were never the same. So what if your physical fitness levels fell? That would happen to anyone who’s injured.”

Benji nods, his eyes filled with sadness.

“But still, the Army has its minimum requirements, and I’m expected to meet them, injury or no injury. So I’ll probably have to stay extra just to get myself in shape. It’s going to be my own personal cross to bear.”

I squeeze his knee supportively.

“No, it’s fine! You’ll definitely get yourself into shape. You know I’m on your side, Benji. Always.”

My boyfriend nods, but his expression is somber.

“Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Mari.” This is where it comes, and I hold my breath. He inhales deeply, looking away for a moment before gazing into my eyes once more. My heart breaks because I know this is difficult for him, but it’s okay. We’re young, and I’m prepared for whatever changes may come.

“What is it?” I ask in a gentle tone.

Benji exhales in a gust.

“Well, it’s just that our lives are going in different directions,” he says in a low, trembling voice. “Don’t you agree, Mari? I mean, you’re headed off to college and it’s great. You’ve always wanted to further your education and I know you’ll have a wonderful time at Concordia. You know, getting drunk, meeting new people, and all that kind of stuff.”

“Don’t forget studying,” I add in a cheeky tone. “That’s a big part of college too.”

Benji nods, his expression still troubled.

“Yes, of course. But this is where our paths diverge. I mean, it’s been awesome this past year with you, Mari, and we’ve known each other since we were kids. But now, I’m headed off to Fort Benning, and afterwards, who knows? They’ll probably ship me off to Afghanistan for my first tour, and it only continues from there. I plan on serving my country, and you know I don’t get to choose where I’m deployed. It’s the Army’s prerogative, and that’s just the way things are.”

I nod.

“Of course,” is my gentle reply. “I understand. We have to break up, right? That’s what you’re trying to say, and I get it. It’s okay.”

Benji looks up, surprised.

“It is?”

I nod.

“Benji, we could both see this coming from a million miles away. We’ve been friends since forever, and we dated our senior year, but we both knew that life here in Oakdale would re-set after graduation. I mean, we’re only eighteen! We both have dreams: you to serve your country, and me to pursue a higher education.”

The young man nods.

“I know. But still, some couples stick it out, you know? Guys are shipped to Kosovo or Kandahar, and they still marry their high school sweethearts and raise families together.”

I squeeze his hand sympathetically.

“And that’s fine for them, but I think we both knew that we weren’t going to go that route. And that’s okay too! Sometimes, people just go their separate ways, and that’s the way life is. I’ll support you in Kosovo, Kandahar, Baghdad, Okinawa, or wherever you find yourself, Benji. You know I’m here for you no matter what, even if we’re no longer romantically involved.”

A look of relief crosses Benji’s face, and his shoulders slump as if he’s just let go of a lot of tension.

“Thanks Mari,” he says in a low voice. “I really appreciate it.”