It killed Merlot that he couldn’t race to her in that moment. He glanced to his son, who nodded.

Both Merlot and Corbin inched across the room.

Richard set the rifle on the floor and curled his fingers around the doorknob, yanking it open. “What the—”

Corbin jumped on Richard’s back, tackling him to the ground.


Talbot screamed.

Merlot’s heart dropped as he yanked his weapon from his back. He watched in horror as Corbin tried to disarm Richard. Merlot found the right moment to kick Richard in the side.

He repeated the motion until he had the right angle to step on Richard’s arm. “Drop it, asshole.”

Corbin jumped to his feet. He yanked the weapon from Richard’s hand and threw it across the room before taking him by the shirt. He cocked his fist and nailed Richard in the nose. He brought his hand back, winding up for a second punch.

“That’s enough, Corbin,” Merlot said. “Besides, you’re bleeding.”

Three men, all in Army fatigues, came racing into the room. Sirens blared out in the background.

Talbot was on her feet, patting Corbin down.

“Mom. I’m fine. That’s Richard’s blood. He’s the one who got shot. Not me,” Corbin said.

“Oh, thank God.” Talbot threw her arms around her son.

“Get me a goddamned ambulance and you will all pay for this. Do you know what happens to people who shoot senators?” Richard curled up, gripping his gut. “I’m going to make sure you all rot in hell for this.”

Merlot let out a big sigh of relief. He wrapped his arm around Talbot and stood over Richard, glaring down at the reason he’d been ripped from his family. The sole person who stole twenty-one years of his son’s life. “I’ve got news for you. You’re the one who will be decaying in a federal prison.”

“That’s never going to happen.” Richard groaned.

“Think again, because the CIA has a file on you three inches thick. All you did by breaking into our home was give yourself an early demise because you were less than a week away from being arrested.” Merlot tugged his son closer. “You can’t hurt anyone ever again. And if you ever come near me or my family, I’ll let my son put a bullet between your eyes.”

“Don’t encourage him.” Talbot leaned into his body. “I need fresh air.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Corbin said. “My buddies can watch this asshole while we wait for the authorities.”

“They’re already here.” Merlot headed outside, ignoring the shouts coming from Richard.

It was over.

“Is there any way he could get away with this?” Talbot stared at him with fear in her eyes.

“Even if this doesn’t stick, we’ve got so much more.” Merlot kissed her temple.

“And I’ve got a secret weapon.” Corbin smiled, pulling out his phone. “I recorded the entire thing and New Jersey is a one-party consent.”

“How the hell do you know that?” Merlot asked.

“Grandpa told me. It was his idea.” Merlot pulled him in for a man hug.

“Humph. Dude. I told you I’m not that guy.” Corbin patted his back.

“Get used to it, and your grandfather’s the same way. How about we find a better way to celebrate this young man’s birthday?” Merlot looped his arm around the woman he’d love and the son he’d protect forever.

“Now, I’ll take that Irish coffee,” Corbin said.