“Why did you have to tell everyone? That’s just putting me at greater risk.”
Weezer shook her head. “It’s an extra layer of protection, especially since your father rolled into town today.”
“Fuck,” Talbot muttered, dropping her fork in her lap. “That’s the last thing Merlot needs.”
“You were always putting him before yourself.” Weezer sighed. “I came here to warn you, so you could avoid town for two days. Once he’s gone, you should be able to move about freely again.”
“This is so fucked up. I should have never come here and if I could go back in time and change that decision, I would.” Even though she’d mentally lost her appetite, her stomach betrayed her mind and it growled. She continued to pick at the food Weezer brought. “I’ve been avoiding my boss, and she’s wondering what the hell is up with me. And I’m sure Carter told you about Corbin.”
“He did.” Weezer nodded.
“I want to tell Merlot. He should know, but how would I tell my son that I’ve lied to him his whole life? That I betrayed a trust so great. He’ll never forgive me.”
“If he knew all the facts, he absolutely will. Just like Merlot will.”
“I tried to tell Merlot about Corbin yesterday, but he threw me out. There was so much venom in his words. I’ve never seen him so angry and hateful before.”
“That wasn’t about you, dear. That has to do with a world of lies my family had kept. They keep coming unearthed and this was just one more that Carter and I piled on.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t think there is any chance we can come back from this.”
“I have faith, and you should too,” Weezer said. “But there is something else I need to discuss with you. Carter and I debated if we should or not, but considering how all this got started by either lies, or omitting the truth, we decided on transparency.”
“Now you’re scaring me.”
“This could be considered good news.” Weezer scooted forward, holding Talbot’s gaze. “Carter has been talking with some lawyer friends of his in DC. One of them works for the Department of Justice. His name is Joseph. He’s been compiling a case for the last two years against your father. Carter has a load of paperwork on all the things Richard did here in Candlewood Falls.”
“But Carter couldn’t prove any of it.”
Weezer held up her finger. “That’s not entirely true. Your father paid off people and got away with it. But thanks to my brilliant husband for keeping everything and the work Joseph has been doing, they are getting close to having strong enough evidence to indict your father. They have a little more work to do, but imagine a world where you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Where you can be here in Candlewood Falls and not care if anyone knows who you really are and your son can get to know his father and the rest of his family.”
A guttural sob filled Talbot’s throat. She gasped. “I can’t even go there,” she managed. “Besides living my life for all these years as Talbot Grant, I’m not sure I ever want people to know the truth. It’s one thing for you all to know. Or even my son to meet his father. But I would never want it to make the news. I can see the headline now.”
Weezer grabbed her hand. “Carter and I have always wanted to see Richard pay for the things he’s done. There is no questioning that. But I will admit that I have selfish reasons for wanting that man out of your life. I want to know my grandson.”
“I never intended to keep him from you.”
“I know that.” Weezer moved to the sofa and wrapped her arm around Talbot. “None of this is your fault. You didn’t ask for this to happen. You, your mother, even your son, are all victims. Putting Richard away for good has always been in the back of Carter’s mind. He never believed he could bring you and Merlot together again. But now that it’s happened, he’s more determined than ever.”
“You have always been so good to me. I’m sorry that I’ve—”
“Hush, child. There is no reason for you to apologize. I’ll text you once I know your father has left town, and then I want you to go to Merlot and do your best to talk some sense into that man.”
“If he threw a bottle at the twins, he’ll toss a perfectly good case of wine at me.”
Weezer laughed. “I know my son. And if he was serious about leaving town, he would have done it already. He needs a little time to get over his bruised ego, and then he’ll be ready. But you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to deal with your own web of lies so they don’t come back and bite you in the ass. And remember, Carter and I are here for you, always. We will help you navigate whatever you need.”
“No matter what happens, I need to be the one to tell Merlot about his son.”
“Carter and I have already discussed that and we agree. We are, however, concerned about the timing. We want to keep you and Corbin safe. All these secrets are killing us.”
Outside of her own mother and Claudia, the River family had been the only place Talbot had felt love.
At least one thing hadn’t changed.
Merlot had finally sobered up and showered. His rage had turned to a mix of loneliness and confusion. He sat at the kitchen table, staring at a flight to the Bahamas but couldn’t pull the trigger.