No one in this town, except maybe Silas, understood their relationship.

He’d fallen in love with Weezer when he’d been a teenager himself. People thought he’d been crazy. Weezer already had a reputation for being eccentric. She’d done that to keep the world at arm’s length. Her family could be intense, especially her grandfather, all because of secrets. “You know that’s not possible.”

“Like you haven’t thought about it,” Weezer said.

“Of course I have, but it’s too dangerous for him and Talbot.”

“You got out of bed at three in the morning.” She tapped his leg. “You’ve been sitting in front of this computer ever since, and don’t try to tell me you haven’t. I know you, Carter River. I can guarantee that you’ve been doing one of two things. Or both.”

He chuckled. “Oh, yeah. And what do you think I’ve been working on?”

“Either a way to take down Richard Berkin—that fucking asshole. Or a way for us to meet our firstborn grandchild.”

The love of his life knew him well.

“My contact in DC said there is an ongoing hush-hush investigation into Richard.”

“About what?”

“Campaign funds for one,” Carter said. “But also his second wife and abuse allegations.”

“Shocker.” Weezer pulled the computer closer. “I don’t think I’ve told you enough how proud I am of you for getting rid of the corruption in our local sheriff’s office.”

“I love you for that, but it was a little too late for Talbot and her mom.”

“You did everything you could for them.”

Carter wanted to believe that, but he still felt as though he failed them and his son.

And now his grandson.

“There’s more,” he said. “My contact told me a woman has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. It hasn’t come out yet because he believes there are more women and he wants to build a stronger case.”

“You’re getting involved, aren’t you?” Weezer continued to gaze at the screen, mesmerized by the image that stared back.

“Damn right, I am. A day hasn’t gone by where I haven’t thought about all the things that man got away with. I have an entire filing cabinet filled with information I’ve gathered on him and I’ve already called my assistant to start scanning. I’m going to send it. I have no idea if it will help, but it will give them more to go on.”

“You’re a good man.” Weezer tilted her head. “What about this boy? What are we going to do about him? He’s our family.”

“I don’t know yet. He’s currently deployed, but I’ve learned he’s coming Stateside early.”

“I wonder if Talbot knows that.”

Carter shrugged. “Considering how much he looks like Merlot, it wouldn’t be good for Corbin to come to Candlewood Falls.”

“I can’t believe she named him Corbin. That was a dangerous move. She had to have known that’s a family name. Did you say anything to her about it?”

“No. It was my mother’s maiden name. Not many people know that. Hell, most people forget I changed my name to River when we got married so our children could have the same name as the winery.”

“Your mother was an ornery woman who didn’t like me much. She didn’t even come to our wedding. She barely acknowledged our children.”

“But she did have a thing for Merlot,” Carter said. “She sent him, and only him, a birthday card every year until she died when he was twelve.”

“That always burned my ass.” Weezer pushed the computer aside. “I know I made a million and one mistakes as a parent. I hurt my kids and I’m sometimes ashamed for what I did. But at least I can say everything was in the name of protecting them. Your mom only wanted to hurt us.”

“I won’t argue that point, but Merlot never did understand and he took her gestures as a sign of love. Not as a dig at us.” Carter had resented his mother for years for her unwillingness to accept Weezer. When Riesling had run off with Theo, he worried he’d been doing the exact same thing. Only, Weezer wasn’t an abusive human being. She was a kind and loving woman. Her only crime was keeping her family’s secret and being wildly misunderstood.

Theo was a criminal.