Page 15 of Rumors of War

Mikol smiled down at him. He really was good at this. But Mikol would play along, because of course, anything was possible. He supposed it was possible it could be his first time.

“I’ll go slow and be careful, love. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. I won’t penetrate you.”

The boy nodded, biting his puffy bottom lip. A nice touch, Mikol thought. He began stroking the young man’s pretty cock again, and then, all at once the boy stiffened, cried out and spurted helplessly in Mikol’s hand.

Mikol stroked him through it, but he was amazed, really. Perhaps he wasn’t a love slave after all, as they were known for their longevity. Love slaves had been known to make love to a man for hours and were supposed to be specially trained in lasting a long time. In fact, one of their cardinal rules was to never, ever come before the client did, and Mikol had barely begun touching him. He had to admit to being a bit puzzled by this one, though he tried not to show it and started to ease the boy from his lap, but that was when the handsome young man angled up his chin, closed his eyes, puckered up his sweet lips again, and pressed his lips frantically to Mikol’s.

It was so sweet, so innocent that Mikol couldn’t resist. Just a little more. He lowered his head and gave the boy a slow, dangerously captivating kiss that backfired a little, because it began to invade every corner of Mikol’s own body, making him want to stake claim to everything this young man was or ever would be. The idea of him in another man’s arms was oddly repellent. Mikol felt the heat and pressure building up to an almost unbearable level inside him until something had to give. His prick was hard as diamonds, so when the boy gave him a wondering look and wrapped his hand around him, Mikol groaned and shoved up into his hand.

Both of them were excited and Mikol was gloriously hard. He remembered the game they were supposed to be(may have been?)playing, and he pushed the boy’s hand away and tried to put some distance between them, but the boy surged back and plastered himself against Mikol again. Mikol leaned in to nuzzle his neck.

“We need to stop.”

“No, please. It’s too perfect,” the boy said. “Don’t make me stop. I want to pleasure you.”

He angled his head for another kiss and since all these kisses were having a drugging effect on Mikol, he obliged. The boy’s mouth was so warm and soft and perfect. He was whimpering and saying something over and over that sounded like begging. It made a shudder go through Mikol.

“I want my hands on you. Please, sir.” The word made Mikol shudder. Then, with pink blushes spreading across his high cheekbones, the beautiful boy began to stroke Mikol harder and faster.

“Is it good?” he asked.

Mikol was beyond a reply, so he simply groaned, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back. He was so close that he knew it wouldn’t take much longer. The man on his lap was blushing charmingly at his response, but he was stroking in earnest.

“Like this?” he said, looking up eagerly, trying to catch Mikol’s eye.

“That’s it,” Mikol whispered in the boy’s ear. He groaned, feeling his orgasm gathering inside him like thunder. It had to break soon, and then the boy clenched his hand around him even harder and pushed a fingertip into his slit. That drove Mikol completely over the edge. His come spilled out all over the boy’s hand. He was coming so hard he feared he might pass out for a moment. He was trembling and these ragged breaths and frantic cries had never happened to him before. He’d pulled the boy instinctively closer so that his body was plastered against the boy’s as he soothed him and kissed him. His vision dimmed as the orgasm continued. and he spilled helplessly into the tight spaces between them.

When it was over, Mikol fell back against the headboard of the bed, panting hard for breath. Mikol reached for the boy’s hand and pulled him over to lie against him. Gods, his body felt so good against his. He sprawled in Mikol’s arms contentedly as Mikol slowly stroked his hand over his back. They were plastered together by copious amounts of semen, and although Mikol felt totally drained, he thought after a while that he should do probably do something about it. He eased the young man down to lie on the bed and went to find something to clean them off with.

He had just found an old cloth that seemed fairly clean by the sink and washed with it before rinsing it out thoroughly and bringing it back to the bed. Suddenly, a loud pounding started up at the door again, and a rough voice started yelling.

“I know you’re in there! I’m putting all of this in my report! Wait until they all find out what you did!”

The young man gasped and sat up, his eyes round with horror. “Oh gods!Oh no!I-I have to go!” he shouted.

He scrambled out of the bed, sliding into his pants and then pulling a boot on one foot as he hopped to the door with the other in his hand. He stopped at the door to slip on his shirt and fasten his pants. He cast one last, long look back at Mikol, threw open the door and raced out into the corridor. By the time Mikol got his own pants back on and made it to the door, the beautiful young human was long gone, and the hallway was empty.

Chapter Six

When Mikol reappeared downstairs, the young man and the ones chasing him were nowhere to be seen. Though he asked the bartenders and some of the other staff, no one seemed to know, or care really, about who the man had been, or where the four hells he’d disappeared to, and likewise, the ones who’d been chasing him through the halls earlier. They all claimed the human didn’t work there, wasn’t any of their love slaves, and they had no idea who he was, no matter how much gold Mikol flashed at them.

Florin was less than useless too, having been upstairs the whole time with the handsome young Drex they’d saved from the beating by the Lycans. The Drex had been enthusiastically expressing his gratitude for it all night, and Florin claimed he hadn’t seen a thing. He did admit to being the one who had taken Mikol to a room to sleep it off after he’d passed out, but when he couldn’t rouse him, he’d left and retired to his own room with the Drex.

Once Mikol was convinced the young man he’d been with was long gone, he agreed to get started back to their ship for the short trip to the space station. He took a badly needed shower along the way and stood under the hot water for a long time. It took only a few hours to reach the station, but Mikol found he was preoccupied for most of the trip with thoughts of the young man who had stroked him off and who he couldn’t seem to get off his mind. By the time they landed, he was determined to go back to Belline as soon as he possibly could and search for the boy. He needed to know he would be all right.

Tygerians bonded quickly, and Mikol had sense enough not to let himself get caught in that trap. He felt sure Florin had done the same with his Drex. It was preached to Tygerian boys from the time they were really young and first learned about sex to never allow yourself to become too involved and never, ever to have penetrative sex.

So he hadn’t bonded to this young man, but he still wanted to find him and make sure he was all right. He’d seemed frightened and why had those men been chasing him in the first place? Mikol made himself a promise to investigate as soon as these betrothal talks were over—just to make sure nothing bad had happened to the boy and he’d either chosen to stay on Belline or left of his own free will.

As they drew closer to the station, Mikol could see that there were many docking facilities and most of them were filled. The space station where the betrothal would take place was an Axis outpost, deliberately placed not far from Leeria or Lycanus and its two nearby sister planets to help keep them all in line. Leeria had always operated as a lawless world before Tygeria and the Axis took over, and they were still struggling to find their way under Axis rule.

As for the planets of Lycanus, their inhabitants had been Earth’s staunchest ally during the war. They still weren’t trusted much more than Earth itself, where the Axis maintained a full occupation force even after all these years. Davos had threatened to do so for a hundred years or more if they didn’t change their ways and become more compliant, but there were almost constant small rebellions.

The planets in the Lycanus sector didn’t cause any real trouble; they just didn’t always go along with every edict passed down to them from King Davos and his son. Or at least, they took their own sweet time about doing so.

The space station they were traveling to was huge, as big as a small moon, and housed well over a thousand permanent staff, as well as many visitors. Yet it still managed to look small and unsubstantial in the vastness of space around it. Mikol knew it wasn’t that way at all, and like all their stations, its outer hull washighlypuncture resistant against any space debris.

The station had meeting rooms of all shapes and sizes and a number of administrative offices, along with a small auditorium, a well-staffed clinic, cantinas and restaurants on the second level and of course, many guest suites. There was also a large dining facility open all hours, and all of this was shared space in the station. Blake, who had visited there many times, had told Mikol it was arranged a little like a big hotel or convention center back on Earth, only on a much grander scale.