Page 13 of Rumors of War

Kalen was standing in the door, at a loss for words, when anorb shot past him and went straight for the handsome alien, flying directly into him and bursting over his head and shoulders in a bright splash of golden liquid.The Tygerian’s long red hair, now covered in swaths of gold and his green eyes and exotically tanned skin, also dappled with splashes of gold were so beautiful after the strike that all he could do was stare. His skin was underlaid with black tiger stripes in a beautiful pattern that swooped across his cheeks. He was red and black and golden and perfect.

Then he’d growled at Kalen’s guards who had been chasing him, and for a moment or two Kalen was literally stricken with amazement. Not fear, because he knew the growl wasn’t meant for him. It had been meant toprotecthim, and that had meant…everything.

Kalen prided himself on being a man and a warrior, but he'd been so close to his father. He had thought of Jarrem not only as a parent, but as someone he could always, always count on to be in his corner and on his side. Someone who always had his back in a fight and who only wanted what was best for Kalen. Someone who wanted to see him not just succeed but thrive. And when that was ripped away so abruptly, so savagely, Kalen had felt…bereft. Cut off and deprived of the relationship that had been the most important one in his life. He was unmoored and drifting and scared and couldn’t seem to even decide what to do next. His own mother and his uncle had stripped even his identity away from him.

For a moment, this big Tygerian warrior had made him feel as if his safety, at least, had been restored to him.

Kalen had never been attracted to men, though he could look at a man and objectively think him handsome. But this Tygerian’s presence in the room was nothing short of glorious. It was a hypnotic, and undeniably sexual attraction he was feeling. There was a wildness about the man, and it called to Kalen like nothing ever had before. His scent was strong and masculine, yet spicy-sweet at the same time. Kalen leaned into it, and into the Tygerian, wanting to get closer if he could and figure out what this attraction could possibly mean.

That’s when the Tygerian wrapped a hand around the back of his head and gently drew him in for a shocking kiss. Kalen was startled at first and froze in his arms immediately. The man looked down at him with one eyebrow arched, questioning him or perhaps wondering if Kalen were playing some kind of game. He wasn’t forcing him or trying to hurt him, but this was Belline, and Kalen had banged on the man’s door at an obscenely late hour and then insisted on coming inside. Gods, what must he think?

The alien looked down at him as if giving him a chance to object. But when no objections were forthcoming, he lowered his head again and took Kalen’s mouth with his. When their lips touched, it was like an electric shock ran right through Kalen. Gods, this must be all the liquor he’d drunk, or maybe the white pill, because nothing else explained it or even came close. This was a man kissing him, and he wasn’t attracted to men. Was he?Was he?

Strange and unfamiliar feelings were jolting through him, and he was in no shape to figure out what they meant. The Tygerian pulled away, caught him by the chin and gazed down into his eyes. “Are you all right?” he asked gently, a flush of arousal staining his flawless cheeks.

Kalen’s mouth had actually tingled under the Tygerian’s soft, lush lips, and being wrapped in this man’s arms had been frightening, but also thrilling and exhilarating. The Tygerian was taking charge, which wasn’t what Kalen would have ever imagined he’d ever want…but oh gods, it had thrilled him. Or at least some parts of him were still thrilled.

One part in particular. His cock was hard enough to pound nails.

He’d been so full of indecision for so long, trying to decide if he should act or not. If his mother was part of all this or not. If he should fight his uncle or if he should just give in, and if he did fight, was it right to risk his people’s lives that way? His uncle was ruthless, and Kalen had little doubt he would use those weapons he’d threatened against their own population. Innocent people would die. But if he didn’t fight, he was truly lost.

The truth was, Kalen felt trapped, and he didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t since the moment they’d told him his father was gone. It would be so good to just turn it all over to someone else for a little while and let them take charge and tell him what to do. This man wouldmakehim do whatever he wanted—he shuddered deliciously at the idea.

Kalen’s heart was racing as Mikol continued to look down at him. That would have been the time to tell him he didn’t want these attentions—he had already had plenty of time to object, but he couldn’t seem to say the words. He simply gazed back up at the Tygerian, feeling something like an epiphany.

How had he never known before what kissing a man was like? Or was this because of the drug he’d taken? He had heard of a drug that made you do and feel things you’d never felt before. It was supposed to release your inhibitions and free you, open you up to a world of possibilities. They called it Rapture, which was a perfect name, when you came to think of it.

“What are you doing?” Kalen asked softly.

“Don’t you know? Isn’t this what you want? Tell me quickly if you don’t want this, because soon I may not be able to let you go.”

Kalen closed his eyes and sighed, “I don’t think I want you to let me go,” he moaned, “Please hold me and don’t stop kissing me.” And then he closed his eyes, threw his arms around the Tygerian’s neck and gave himself up to the pleasure.

Kalen kissed him with a tangle of tongues and teeth-clashing firmness. He devoured the Tygerian’s mouth until their lips were red and sore from too much kissing, too much desperation, too mucheverything.


Mikol didn’t know where this handsome human had come from—maybe someone had ordered him from one of the menus that all these brothels seemed to have and then he got mixed up and turned around. But wherever it was, and whoever had been waiting for him, they were out of luck. This man was his for what was left of the night now. The idea, coming so suddenly strong in Mikol’s head, surprised him with how right it was.

The visu punch that was still singing in Mikol’s blood must have still been very much in charge to produce such a strange thought. He made himself push the human away, take a deep breath, steady himself and ask him a question instead.

“Is this something you truly want, sweetheart? Do you want to make love to me? Or do you want me to help you go downstairs?”

They were simple questions, but they seemed to completely confuse the man in his arms. He looked up at Mikol with those incredible eyes, a dazed expression on his face. How much had he had to drink anyway? Or was this actually due to a drug someone had given him?

“What’s your name, honey?” Mikol asked him softly, still using the pet names his omak called him as a child—and still did sometimes.

“I-I can’t…”

“Can’t tell me? It’s all right. You don’t have to. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He caressed the side of that pretty face, and the young man closed his eyes and leaned into the touch.

“Gods, how are you so fucking beautiful?” Mikol asked softly, touching his face and running his hand gently along his jaw. His hair had finally escaped its binding completely and fell across his shoulders in fat, black curls.

The boy suddenly shuddered, grabbed Mikol around his neck and pulled his head down toward his. He closed his eyes and angled his head up at the same time, puckering his lips. He was asking for another kiss, and Mikol was surprised but only too happy to oblige.

Charmed by him, Mikol wanted him in every way he could have him. He wanted the boy to cry out his name as he moaned and begged and lifted those pretty legs up in the air and begged Mikol to make love to him. But he was far too altered for that, and Mikol didn’t want to take advantage of him. Instead, he walked him slowly backward to sit him on the bed. The boy rubbed himself against his body every step of the way, making no effort to get away, simply moaning and shivering.

Mikol took a step back to give him some space, but he jumped to his feet and began pulling off his clothes.