Page 14 of Rumors of War

“Slow down, love, and make sure you know what’s going on. Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes!” he cried with enthusiasm, down to nothing but his underclothes, pulling Mikol down on top of him.

Then the boy was somehow wearing nothing at all, having wriggled out of his tiny underpants, and his naked body was gorgeous and pale in the dim light of the cheap lamp. Mikol sat beside him for a moment to simply look at him, telling himself sternly that he wouldnotmake love to this beautiful young man, no matter how much he was being tempted.

The young human, suddenly looking shocked, sat up, balled up his fist and took a half-hearted swing toward Mikol, a blow that Mikol easily dodged. He caught the human’s fist and held it to his lips to kiss his knuckles.

“You can just say no, honey,” Mikol said, smiling down at him. “No need for all this, because I’m not going to force you.”

“No! It was one of the orbs—I saw it coming straight at you again, so I was going to knock it away. I just thought it was about to hit you.”

Mikol shook his head. This boy must have been given some hallucinatory drug downstairs. He refused to take advantage of that. “Before anything else happens, I think you need to sober up, honey.”

“What is this “honey” you call me? It sounds nice.”

“It’s just something my omak says. My omak is my bearer. It’s a-a term of endearment.”

His eyes wide, the young man shook his head. “Oh. I like it. But no, you’re wrong. I feel fine, and I-I want to try this. I need tosee,if you know what I mean. I have veryimportantreasons to know.”

“Know what?”

“If I’ll like it. Making love to a man, that is. And I’ve only had a little to drink and one pill—well, maybe more than a little to drink, but I still know what I want.”

“I can’t be sure of that,” Mikol told him, shaking his head.

“Then just let me kiss you again. Can I? Can we just kiss and nothing else?”

Mikol was tempted, and he was a bit too drunk himself to make really good decisions and he knew one thing often led to many other things. Hewould notfuck this beautiful boy. Both of them were too far gone for that. But kissing? Maybe a little touching? Surely that would be all right. The visu punch whispered in his ear that it thought just kissing him would be fine—more than fine. It would be perfect.

Perhaps sensing Mikol’s reservations, though, the young human persisted. “You can stop if I ask you to, right? I know you will.”

“Of course. I would always stop. But I still think we’ve both had too much to drink.”

“Please. Can’t we just try the kissing a while? I promise I won’t press for more.”

Mikol wasn’t sure if this was some kind of game or not, but he’d been thoroughly taught by his omak and by Blake that his large size and fierce nature brought along serious responsibilities when he was with a sexual partner. They’d taught him both could be intimidating and people who didn’t need or want to be intimidated butcould be anyway. He had to make sure the boy wasn’t, and that he never felt as if he didn’t have a choice. Then there was the strong possibility this little love slave had been slipped drugs and had no idea what he was talking about. No, he wouldn’t take any chances.

The boy leaned up then and brushed his lips sweetly, chastely over Mikol’s, making him groan.

Then again, maybe if he were really careful and stuck to just kisses… Mikol bent to each of the boy’s tempting, plumped up nipples, biting gently down on one of them and making him shiver.

“Is that all right?”

The young man nodded.“Yes,”he said, his eyes wide as he held onto Mikol’s shoulders. Mikol kissed and licked his nipples, until he cried out and threw his head back, moaning. He suddenly clambered onto Mikol’s lap, facing him and throwing his arms around Mikol’s neck, so that his delectable ass was on Mikol’s thighs and his cock was standing up hard and proud, rubbing against his stomach. Mikol, running his hands over the boy’s body, kissed his cheeks, his nose and even his eyelids, trailing kisses down to his throat. Every move he made was gentle, as he tried to make sure the boy knew he was not threatening or forcing him in any way, that he would stop whenever he wanted him to. It was like a form of sweet torture.

The young man responded with whimpers that made Mikol gasp and strain as the young human pushed his rigid prick against him over and over. All the time the human’s hands were all over Mikol too, moving up and down his back and sides. It was torturous and impossible not to respond. Mikol fastened his hands on that sweet ass as the boy wrapped his arms around Mikol’s neck and groaned into his mouth. Mikol went back to kissing his luscious lips again, gently biting them and rubbing his jaw against the boy’s. The young man breathlessly slipped his fingers down into the waistband of Mikol’s trousers and began trying to slide them down over his hips.

“I want to see you too,” he groaned. “Pleasetake these off.”

“No. That’s not a good idea.”

“Please,please. I need to see you.”

Mikol sighed, and then stood to take off his trousers. He sat back down on the bed and pulled the beautiful human back over into his arms. “Just kissing and no more,” he told him sternly, and the boy nodded frantically.

“These muscles,” the young man murmured, tracing a finger over them and talking softly as if to himself as Mikol got his shirt over his head. Mikol took his mouth again, kissing him slowly, languorously, enjoying all the appreciative sounds he was making. Those little gasps and whimpers spurred him on and ignited a little fire within him. The human pushed his cock up desperately into Mikol’s hand, and he obligingly spit in his hand and stroked him.

He stroked the young man’s pretty cock, rubbing and massaging him and then stroking him with real purpose. The boy cried out at the attention and fell back against the pillows. Mikol had to hand it to him. He really was getting into the spirit of this thing if this was a game he was playing. It was almost impossible to believe that a beautiful young love slave he’d met in a brothel could be so innocent. The human began babbling something soft and sweet. “P-please, please. Go slow. I-I haven’t done this before, and I think I’m about to...”