Page 9 of Two for Alex

“Yeah, god forbid someone should love you,” Cheryl said.

“Don’t start,” Alex responded. Cheryl was married to her college sweetheart Greg. She lamented over Alex’s continued single status, assuming she was single not by choice but because she was “too afraid to commit”, in Cheryl’s words.

“The minute a guy says the dreaded L word, you’re out the door,” she had claimed on more than one occasion as Alex broke up with yet another boyfriend. Alex hated to admit Cheryl might be right, but to date she hadn’t found the man of her dreams, nowhere near it. This latest idea of an erotic exchange of power without requiring love as an underlying base had, she thought, great potential. She could truly learn about the art of submission without things getting all screwed up by love.

“Cheryl, I didn’t call to get your permission or approval,” she said, though there was affection in her tone. “I just wanted to let you know where I’ll be for the next week. I’m to report back on Monday morning. I’m really excited about this, don’t ruin it for me.”

“You’ll be in Westport? What if there’s an emergency? How will I reach you? Will you be allowed to communicate with the outside world? What if they lock you up or something? I don’t know about this whole thing, Alex.”

“Relax. I’ll have my cell. It’s not like they’re going to keep me in a cage, for god’s sake. This is completely consensual. Liam told me this first week is a trial period. For all of us. He said during this week I can question things. If something doesn’t feel right, he wants me to tell them. He’s really cool, Cheryl. You’d like him. He’s very calm and exudes this sort of sexy authority. Very Dom. You want to obey him. He says a good Dom always listens to his sub and that it’s absolutely imperative I let him or Daniel know if something isn’t right for me.”

“What if the whole thing isn’t right for you?”

“Then I’ll leave. It’s possible too, that they won’t like me. That I won’t fit in with their plans. He warned me of that too, though he put it more diplomatically. It’s a trial period for all three of us. I arrive Monday and stay through the following Saturday.”

“So let’s say you all make it through this ‘trial’ period of yours. What then?”

“I’m not sure. Either they ask me to stay on and I agree or we part hopefully as friends. Or maybe I’ll just visit them from time to time. I really don’t have a crystal ball on this. It’s an exciting new adventure. If nothing else, it’ll give me some great ideas for my next book.”

Cheryl laughed. “Yeah, typical Alex, always looking for ideas for your next book. Okay, if you’re determined to do this, I hope you have fun. Will you be allowed to call me?”

“I don’t see why not. This isn’t boot camp after all.”

“No, it’s only submissive slave training camp with two total strangers who live twenty-five miles away no big deal.” Cheryl snorted.

Alex laughed, ignoring the sudden butterflies in her stomach. After they hung up, she sat for a long time, staring out the single window of her one-room apartment as she thought about what she was about to do. She’d told her mother she was going to stay with a girlfriend in Westport to help her house-sit for her parents while they went on a cruise. Cheryl knew not to tell a soul where she was, except of course Greg, who already thought she was insane.

Maybe she was insane. To agree, based on a single meeting, to stay for a week with two practical strangers as their submissive sex slave. It sounded sexy, even thrilling, in theory, but was she in fact out of her mind? Her cunt tingled as she recalled Liam’s large hand cupping it, sliding a hard, thick finger into her as if he already owned her, making her blush and moan while Daniel sat by, taking it all in.

She’d wanted to come so bad but had to admit his forcing her to stop before she did so was even more intense than if he’d let her. It was a hint, a taste, of what she desperately needed. She didn’t understand her primal urge to submit to another, but that made it no less real. Had she at last found in Liam and Daniel the opportunity to give completely of herself? Would she have the courage and grace to accept what they offered on their terms without manipulating them and bending them to her whim as she had with every other man before?

Distracted from packing her suitcase, Alex leaned back on the bed, slipping her fingers beneath the waist of her shorts to her cunt. She imagined herself on her knees with Liam’s cock in her mouth and Daniel’s cock inside her. As she rubbed herself to a rapid orgasm, she practiced saying their names. Liam…Daniel…please, Sir, may I come…?