Page 23 of Two for Alex

Pride surged through her. She’d done it. She’d worked past her fear of the single tail, taking ten strokes. Admittedly, she hadn’t had much choice in the matter, secured as she had been with thick strips of leather. But she hadn’t cried out, she hadn’t screamed for them to stop, she hadn’t used her safeword.

She turned toward Daniel with a big smile on her face. He grinned back. “Pretty cool, huh? I did a very nice job, if I say so myself. No bleeding, no bruising. Just long, even strokes. You should have those for a few days. Maybe longer—your skin is fairer and more delicate than mine.”

“You did this?” Alex said. “I thought it was Liam.”

“He got you started. I finished the job.”

“And afterward? Who—?” She broke off, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. She’d been about to ask who had given her that amazing orgasm.

Daniel laughed. “Does it really matter?”

Alex lay in the strange bed and stared out the window at the ascending moon. She’d expected more play after the initial whipping session. There had been, but the script wasn’t written by her nor was she its star attraction. Instead, she had been permitted to “watch and learn” as Daniel demonstrated his admittedly impressive oral skills on Liam’s cock.

Daniel’s ever-present silver wrist cuffs had been attached behind his back. He knelt in front of Liam, who stepped out of his black lounge pants, revealing a long, thick cock, longer than Daniel’s, the balls heavy beneath it. His legs were powerfully built, the hair on them dark where Daniel’s was blond.

Closing his eyes with an expression Alex could only describe as rapturous, Daniel opened his mouth, remaining perfectly still while Liam eased his erect cock forward, not stopping until Daniel’s nose was touching his pubic bone. He held that position for so long Alex began to worry for Daniel. How could he breathe like that?

Finally Liam pulled back slowly, withdrawing for a few seconds to allow Daniel to take a deep breath before he again moved forward, not stopping until his shaft was once more completely lodged in Daniel’s throat. Alex watched in aroused fascination. She considered herself to be reasonably skilled in the oral arts. She liked to think what she lacked in skill she made up for in enthusiasm. But she knew as she watched Daniel take Liam’s cock to the hilt over and over without the slightest resistance or hesitation, she couldn’t hold a candle to him in that department. Liam had used Daniel’s mouth for easily twenty minutes, controlling the pace while Daniel knelt up, his back straight, hands shackled behind him, his eyes closed—the epitome of submissive grace.

Liam began to pant, his own arousal apparently getting the better of him. He moved faster, gripping the sides of Daniel’s head for support as he took his pleasure. Alex, watching from the sidelines and apparently forgotten, slipped a hand under her dress to fondle her bare cunt, the endorphins from the mind-blowing orgasm she’d had earlier long since dissipated. The two men were so absorbed in what they were doing she figured she could probably strip and fuck herself with a whip handle right in front of them and they wouldn’t notice. Used to men’s complete attention, she was discomfited and a bit annoyed by their indifference.

She rubbed herself harder, her fingers matching Liam’s increased pace as he approached orgasm. Suddenly Daniel’s admonition floated into her mind. No masturbating without Liam’s express permission. Ever. Hurriedly she pulled her hand from her crotch, hoping they hadn’t noticed her breach. Neither seemed aware she was even there. She clenched her hands in her lap and pressed her thighs together, rocking slightly as she watched Liam jerk forward suddenly in a series of thrusts.

He stilled after a moment and moaned with pleasure. Slowly he withdrew his shaft, glistening from Daniel’s kiss. Alex leaned forward, fascinated as Daniel opened his eyes. The bulbous head of Liam’s cock bobbed near his face, a single drop of pearly semen remaining at its tip. Staring up at his lover with adoration in his eyes, Daniel licked the drop and then lightly kissed the cock head before dropping his head to Liam’s feet. The gesture wasn’t servile or forced in any way. It was a graceful act of devotion that moved Alex. She felt strange, as if she were intruding on a moment too private for her to witness.

She looked away, loneliness suddenly washing over her.

They bid her goodnight shortly after that with Daniel promising to wake her by six o’clock so she could help with Liam’s breakfast before he left for the office. Alex was less than thrilled with this schedule, used to waking when she wished, rarely before nine.

She knew she should close her eyes and try to sleep but she didn’t feel tired. It was only a little after ten. She thought about getting up and doing some writing on her laptop, but when she listened for her muse’s whisper to get her going, all was silent. She thought about the new paperback she’d slipped into her suitcase but knew she wouldn’t be able to concentrate. That reminded her she had yet to straighten her clothing, having hurriedly tossed them into drawers that morning with intentions of refolding and putting them away properly later. She dismissed this thought as soon as she had it—they were probably all wrinkled by now anyway. She’d worry about that in the morning.