Two Masters for Alex – Chapter 1
“Here’s a possible one,” Liam said, pointing to the BDSM personal ad.
“What does it say?” Daniel asked.
“‘Seeking Master for an erotic exchange of power. Submissive masochist, eager to please the right man. I live in Danbury, Connecticut. Willing to relocate if the connection is real.’ There’s an email address—[email protected].”
Daniel looked up at Liam with a shy smile. “I like that. Erotic exchange of power. I wonder if he’d be interested in two Masters for the price of one.”
Liam laughed and gently cuffed Daniel’s head. Daniel, naked, was kneeling on the carpet in front of the sofa where his lover sat. The narrow silver cuffs at his wrists could have been mistaken for jewelry.
Liam didn’t like using social media to get to know potential lovers—he’d found people too easily misrepresented themselves online, writing clever texts and emails that had little to do with who they really were, sometimes even posting pictures that weren’t of themselves.
He preferred the old-fashioned way of doing things—meeting the person face-to-face. He wanted to be able to look in a man’s eyes. He could get a sense of his character by verbal and nonverbal cues and nuances that couldn’t be conveyed any other way.
They had spent the last hour perusing the BDSM personals on the one site Liam was willing to frequent. There were no photos, no ads, no come-ons. Just a forum for likeminded folks to connect.
The idea of inviting a third person into their D/s relationship had come about as a result of Liam’s desire to satisfy Daniel’s as yet unexplored dominant impulses. While he was completely submissive to Liam, Daniel was restless at times. He had admitted to fantasies of being at the other end of the whip, instead of the one to always taste its stinging kiss. He’d even had the balls to try to turn the tables a few times early on in their relationship, but Liam had put a quick stop to that.
Lately, it had been Liam who brought up the idea of bringing another guy into their play. He loved Daniel, and wanted to keep him happy. Daniel was eager to find out if he had what it took to successfully dominate someone.
At first, their discussion had been hypothetical. They talked about it extensively—the responsibility that went along with the power of being a Dom, as well as the potential complications that introducing a third person into the relationship could cause. As time passed, the talk became more specific. Liam had decided the time had come. He, too, had become interested in getting a “toy” for Daniel—one willing to submit to them both.
Liam and Daniel lived together in a rambling old Victorian home in Westport, Connecticut, about fifty miles from New York City, where Liam went each day to practice law. At thirty-four, he’d already made partner in a small but very profitable firm that specialized in handling the assets of the extremely wealthy. As a result, he’d become rather well-off himself.
Daniel, age thirty-one, had sold his landscape design company for a sizable sum in order to devote himself more fully to serving his Master. He still kept a finger in the small operation, acting as a consultant when they needed it. But primarily he stayed home, finding deep fulfillment in tending his gardens, cooking, cleaning and waiting naked on his knees each evening in the front hall for Liam’s return.
As they reread the short ad, Daniel remarked, “Well, he can’t be any worse than the last one.”
Liam laughed, if somewhat ruefully. They’d had two potential candidates to the house already. Alonso had seemed promising at first. He was tall and handsome with dark eyes and curling black hair. His manner was soft-spoken and polite. He seemed to be a genuine submissive, eager to serve one or both men at their pleasure.
Liam had been about to suggest Alonso strip and submit to a light whipping, just to see how he handled both the command and the experience. Before he could suggest it, someone began banging loudly on the front door, demanding to be let in. When Liam looked through the small glass windowpane, he saw a large woman with frizzed hair, her face mottled with rage. She turned out to be Alonso’s wife and had been following him, expecting to catch him in the act with another woman.
Then there was Brian, a burly man who worked in construction. He proudly informed them he could take a caning that would leave other men unconscious, and had stated that he got off on the sight of his own blood. He said if they took him on as a slave, he’d want to be tightly bound and caged whenever he was not being used.
While Liam recognized this type of subjugation worked for some people, it wasn’t his style. Daniel and he were looking for a genuine third partner—someone they could connect with on many levels, not just for kinky play.